Thunder Muscle Sales Rep

Stood in front of this guy back (WAY back) when I was busted for underage drinking in East Lansing.

Now playing

Maybe Max will battle rap Stephen A at some point.

I’m originally from the Lansing area. Gene Wrigglesworth was the county sheriff for decades.

If you put him in the Big House, that just means he threw his life away. Or he threw it to the other team. Or there’s a Buckeye or Spartan up his ass.

Is there an even smaller blog that catalogues and critiques the writers of Deadspin? If so, how far does this Russian doll of media-on-media criticism run?

Detroit Sports Rag’s Facebook page makes comments in Detroit Free Press comments sections, linking to their site. I’m sure they are here in these comments, as well.

“Detroit is a shitty city”. Super hot take on your part. What do you think of airline food?

Gawker-esque, true. I’ve seen enough articles here taking shots at sports media (Simmons, in particular). is absolute garbage. If you spend most of your time trashing the superior competition (local Detroit radio, TV, and print) you truly are not shit and can’t admit you know it. Why the fuck would someone want to read an article or listen to a podcast hating on Drew Sharp or Mike Valenti?

It’s like Kramer shouting the n-word in the comedy club. If it was funny, no one would have been upset.

Close your eyes. Imagine their hard work on the field. The hardwork that’s allowed them to escape poverty. The hours of wind sprints, weight training. The positional drills. All in the hot Bama sun. Coach Saban barking. Asking them for more when they’ve already given their all.

I understand his rationale, but it’s wrong. They didn’t steal gumballs and sneak into an R-rated movie.

My bad. Didn’t see that someone told you this trick already.

I beat it without dying. I brag about it to this day (like right now).

The points in your argument are all blatant lies. You are a garbage human.

I didn’t say “don’t critique”. You are contemplating the intelligence level of mythical creatures. That’s a bit different than pointing out plot holes or the choices of actors.

Maybe the dragons sense the ships are bad guys? Maybe she told them to attack the ships off camera? Or maybe it’s a show with giants, face-changers, necromancers, and dragons, so questioning the reality of the situation is not worth your time.

I loved that Rooks to Odom to Miles play. Remember when it happened. Always sticks out in my highlight memories.

Good. I hope he gets bullied and it warps the direction of his life. Fuck’m.

Klay....rhymes with McVeigh.