
Ha, I love this…thank you!

I really didn't like Nicholson, either. It's like his bag of tricks ran out, and Scorsese didn't know how to reign him in. It was hyped as them finally working together, and while he does have some good moments, I feel like the film could have used a more focused villain.

There Will Be Blood and No Country will always be two of the best films of this century and two of my personal favorites — and they also seem as if they will always be intertwined, which I find fascinating.

Oh, I totally agree! He's so quiet, self-contained and simmering in The Age of Innocence. The Ballad of Jack and Rose, too. I always point to those films when people accuse him of hamming it up.

It really is amazing how many things DDL has been good in and then you realize he hasn't really made that many movies. He's the only actor I can think of that hasn't taken a paycheck role. And that's NOTHING against actors who do! I know they have to eat, love to work, and want to have fun. But I selfishly don't want

"Tell Bill to have a Coke and a smile and shut the fuck up!" Pryor was always right.

Good luck to you! Have you had any favorites so far? I wasn't a big fan of his comedies, but I can recall liking Midsummer better than some others.

I'm going to watch Ex Machina—have heard so many great things! I loved PTA's The Master—I felt it had a really odd, otherworldly quality. Eerie. Quiet. Probing. Inherent Vice is one I've struggled with mightily—I find the boredom of watching it overtakes the other feelings, the vibe, as you say. But I'm occasionally

That's beautiful…it is, indeed, a painting, a puzzle, a strange sort of art. For a while there I was on the hunt for the next Kubrick and then realized that there wasn't going to be one — and that's OK. Have to remember just to enjoy what he was and what he gave us. The last time I felt that weird, antsy itch that I

Ha, true. I kind of want Ford to live near me or fly in on his private jet once in a while just to knock some sense into me. I'd probably just show him my Star Wars action figures, though, and get smacked again.

This is so true! It seems like I keep hunting for that sensation in other sci-fi films, that alien thing, that distance thing. I think Solaris came close, maybe? Moon had a bit of it. But in the end, those films are about the people in them and how they are dealing with their circumstances. 2001 isn't about the people

I liked that a lot. Sometimes I catch in on cable and I'm just sucked in no matter what part it's on. The rhythm of the thing gets into my brain—and the film may or may not be about aliens, but it feels to me as if it were MADE by aliens.

The timing is so amazing—-I went through a bunch of Wile E. cartoons awhile back. There aren't any words, which almost made it a bit of a novelty when I was a kid, but as an adult I was fascinated with how something could be funny without actual punchlines.

Yes indeed! His lyrics have only become more poignant with passing time. Animals always stuck with me—there are some lines in "Dogs" that are just beyond description.

Me too on all of this. I was mesmerized by the film for the longest time, simply because of its visuals, sounds and music. But now it's taken on an almost talisman-like quality in my life.

It's amazing that the most popular Looney Tunes from the Jones golden era have not aged one bit. They are still riotously funny and clever and full of genius. Or is it SUPER GENIUS?

I cannot agree with you enough. When I first saw it years ago, I thought it was a great movie, funny, clever—and I understood the message fine, but it didn't resonate, of course.

I just want to see Ford do his Ford thing to Leto, who definitely won't be pulling any of his so-called Method shenanigans in the face of Ford's growling, pointing, staring, pointing and growling. And that's just at the cast read-through!

Indeed. Glover's loss was very tough. I suppose he and Abed were the heart/soul of the show. They found a nice rhythm each season with replacements, whether it was David and Brewster (who is really just amazing in that season) or Jonathan Banks or giving the dean more screentime. I admire that they stayed fluid and

Me too. It seems like the 200 is just a formality at this point since he accelerates so much after the first 50 or so meters, but I suppose one never knows. I can't wait to watch it.