
That is a very nice, concise way to put that. I have no problem with people of faith, provided the don’t try to force me to adhere to their faith. Organized religion is an institution that we should have left die on the vine centuries ago. We’ll all be better off once it falls by the wayside.

On the extreme other end of the spectrum, someone in my town still has a Trump 2016 sign up. They’ve just taped over the last two digits of the year twice, first in 2020, and now for 2024. They just write in the next year with a Sharpie. So classy. 

Rick Santorum (remember that asshat?) was already on TV today lamenting that “pure democracies” that allow citizens to directly vote on issues “are not the way to run a country.” He said he was thankful that many states do not allow citizens to have a direct voice in their government, more or less, and that it’s

I 100% agree. The tax law as it’s currently written only prohibits churches from endorsing candidates, so churches can and do talk about issues. But if churches are explicitly telling their congregants how to vote in any capacity, I feel pretty strongly that that church is engaging in political activity and should

I would, if my dear mother didn’t still attend church there every Sunday. She still has her faith in god. Although the church’s behavior in the run up to this vote has pretty well shattered her faith in the Church as an institution (and she’s stopped giving them her weekly donation as a result, which I’m proud of her

Catholics are more pro-choice/abortion rights than you would think. It’s pretty decisive, comparative to some other religious groups. An AP/NORC poll from last year had 64% of American Catholics supporting the right to abortion in all or most cases. Pew found that 56% of all Catholics they surveyed in 2022 supported

I know it is unkind to gloat, but I’m an Ohioan and GODDAMN does this feel good tonight. Republicans in Ohio have had their boots on the necks of us women for far to long, and it has been excruciating listening to their whinging for the past few months about how “extreme” and “radical” it is to ensure that women can

I agree that that suit is bad. It makes a bit more sense in the context of the current moment for menswear. Men’s high fashion is always a bit of a high-wire act that teeters close to absurdity. For the past two years or so, after a decade of slim cuts and sharp tailoring, the trends in men’s runway fashion has swung

I hate that pants trend, too. It looks like something straight out of Guys and Dolls. 

I’m not a huge fan of Luke Gilford’s photography by and large—his aesthetic always seems forced and not organic—but man he did not do Jeremy Allen White any favors in the GQ photoshoot. The clothes, the exposure, the insistence on the same vacant expression in every picture. It’s not working. Jeremy Allen White has

It is really, really good. And it slow cooks all day so you can enjoy time with your family. Highly recommended. 

Traditional Thanksgiving is over-rated and, like you, I would much prefer to just get everyone together for a fabulous meal. We’ve got a couple of the “old guard” (folks my parents’ age) and some of the younger crowd, who are a bit invested still in the traditional turkey and sides thing. But by and large I find these

I would gladly do salmon filets for Thanksgiving if I could. I love salmon and would do something like this:

This. We make a basic effort to be pleasant and courteous to our garbage collectors. Our collection is automated, so they don’t have to get out of the truck unless we’ve got extra bags outside of the bin. That doesn’t happen very often, and if we have more than two extra bags, they’re supposed to charge us for it. The

So, how big of an ad buy did Darden Restaurants take out to get two fawning advertorials within a week? Should we expect “15 Reasons why Cheddars Rocks my Socks” by Friday? 

My mom and I got so fed up with scheduling the oven time that we decided to radically redesign our Thanksgiving. We only have one oven, but we have like 4 crock pots between us, and my sisters can chip in instantpots if we need. So now our goal is to get everything prepped and (if possible) in the crock pot before

By the same token, Breslin has not previously been known as difficult or a diva who makes things up. So shouldn’t she also get some similar benefit of the doubt here?

This was my question as well. Why is this still a thing? I get that decades ago photography was intrusive and camera shutters were loud. But they’re silent now. Let’s just have a court photographer who discreetly takes pictures. Or lets mount some stationary cameras and have video. It seems like it would be in the

I don’t disagree that seniors suffer from depression and loneliness. But in this case, absolutely no one connected to Pacino has suggested this. So speculating about elder abuse here seems wildly inappropriate and intended to cast his partner as manipulative and conniving. It takes two to tango, and nobody in Pacino’s

Al Pacino is still acting and he is still fully in charge of his faculties. He is 100% responsible for where he sticks his dick and for what results from it.