
Soda has gone bonkers. You used to be able to get three 12-packs of Coke for $10, even $9 sometimes at the Dollar General Marketplace by me. Now a “good” sale for Coke is 3/$15. And if you want to buy a single sleeve of Coke it’s like $7.50 at the grocery store. 

There’s nothing inherently wrong with it, but there are a number of things I don’t like about it. I take issue with the way it’s used in real estate contexts and with branding it as “luxury.” It’s plastic and not terribly convincing as a stand-in for hardwood floors when you see it in person. For instance, since LVP

I think so. I mean, it doesn’t take a genius to ballpark someone’s age if you have their year of graduation and assume they were a traditional (straight from HS to college) student. It’s an assumption, sure, but one that will be right most of the time.

Also consider installing a whole house fan if you don’t have air conditioning. It’s not going to cool your house like AC does, but it can make a big impact. If we run ours at night before going to bed, we can generally sleep comfortably at night without AC in the summertime. And if we run it for a bit in the

Luxury vinyl plank is one of those terms that make me roll my eyes. The words “luxury” and “vinyl plank” do not belong together. When I see LVP in a real estate listing, it just makes me think that the house is a flip or that the reno valued cheapness rather than quality/longevity.

That was the sentence that caught my eye, too, because it’s just so pathetic and sniveling. 

That’s good advice. I would add that people should learn how to take apart the nozzle of the bottle if they’re using a sports water bottle that has a valve in it. Those valves are great for letting you squeeze the bottle while riding a bike, but they are also places that can get very gunky very fast.

I would totally consider the fake window thing if I felt like investing more in our basement. It’s already finished, but kind of dark. It has a couple of those small windows near the ceiling. Those, combined with light paint colors do a serviceable job. But if I wanted to really make the space functional for something

And maybe Jamie’s out-of-the-blue freakout in last week’s episode. It was a bit jarring to see him in mental crisis out of nowhere. Maybe if we’d seen him working with Dr. Sharon on some of this stuff before this one episode, it would have seemed a bit more natural.

And it’s a distinct change of wardrobe for him. Throughout the series he’s been in slick suits or sharp casual/urban wear (even when he can’t exactly pull it off). The cardigan seemed very Logan-esque and not at all Kendall.

I am torn on Kendall’s performance in the board room. It felt a little out of character to me, because Kendall has a touch of the salesman in him. He can bluster and bullshit, and the whole thing felt pretty weak. 

I laughed out loud when she said she was putting a cow-print couch in Logan’s apartment. Amazing. 

I think there was a cumulative effect for Shiv that built up to that moment. Sure, in the aftermath of being betrayed by Matsson, she feels hurt and turns back to the sibling cabal. It makes sense that she would get talked around to supporting Kendall. And that she could even be happy with that choice. There’s an

I read this article and my thought was, “Oh, looks like the writers have been reading Capt. Tragedy and my conversations in the comments about all the problems with Keeley this season.” I feel like we should get ghostwriting credits. 

I’m OK with Higgins remaining a secondary character, and I would have been OK with that for Dr. Sharon, too. But I think it was a mistake to cut her entirely from season 3. The show has missed that character as a surrogate for the audience and as a way for other characters to explore their motivations. Keeping Dr.

From a UX standpoint, paper menus are just a more enjoyable experience most of the time, and as the article points out, a more user-friendly “interface” results in larger checks.

Mine is like this one, although I’m not sure it’s the same brand (it’s buried in my basement somewhere right now). If I had to do it over again, though, I might look into the wand style portable humidifiers. Those you just drop into a glass of water, which most hotels provide, and don’t require a water bottle.

I wasn’t so lucky. The app updated automatically to Max, but I had to login again. But it’s up and running now. I’ve noticed a few glitches in the app, but I’m sure it’ll get ironed out in the coming days. 

Yeah, I’m in the midwest and I can’t imagine any landlords I’ve ever worked with going for these. Basically, if it cuts into their bottom line, they’re not all that interested in budging. The only thing I’ve ever been able to successfully negotiate on was rent or the security deposit. And the rent didn’t even get

This is my takeaway. It’s fine to not like it. It’s fine to completely avoid it (as much as possible). But undeniably, the writing and directing are outstanding—maybe the best since Chernobyl back in 2019, and Chernobyl is a masterpiece. The performances are stunning. It took me a couple episodes into season 1 to get