I’ve got Mrs. Davis on my queue to start next week. Have you liked it?
I’ve got Mrs. Davis on my queue to start next week. Have you liked it?
I drove past a Tesla last week with a bumper sticker that said, “I bought it before we knew how awful he is.” That got a laugh out of me.
I had to ask my friend to remind me of the login info for the HBO account we share. I had forgotten it and it’s on his credit card. He sent me incorrect login info yesterday and I was like, “It’s OK, no rush. This isn’t time sensitive.” And then I thought for a minute and sent him another text: “This will become time…
100%. I watch most TV with the subtitles on, and there’s some funny stuff that the captions pick up that I don’t otherwise.
I was genuinely pleased to find a travel humidifier. Hotel rooms are so dry, and being able to put a small humidifier on the night stand by my face helps a ton. The humidifier is small and packs easily, and it uses a standard water bottle that I usually buy on the way to my destination.
Linsday Ellis isn’t far right--she’s using “woke” in a tongue-in-cheek kind of way to get to her larger point about why these remakes keep getting made.
You’re correct. It is prattle. I just checked the lyric video from Disney on YouTube to confirm.
Yeah, my friend who is a commercial airline pilot basically says the same thing. He’s been trained on maybe a half dozen planes at this point, and he’s very, very good at flying them. He’s about due to make a jump up to a bigger plane/longer transoceanic flights, but he’s waited in part because it will require him to…
Yeah, the mental health toll is legit. Don’t discount that. I felt pretty low a few weeks in when the brain fog wasn’t letting up. You start to go to the bad place mentally where you wonder if this is just how things are now. It’s not a fun place to be.
Nope, Dottie had not been set up as problematic for Ted at all before this episode. It kind of came out of nowhere. I liked the character and the way the actress played it, but I wished we’d had some setup for her appearance.
Yeah, that was Jamie’s dad in rehab, and I also thought it should have at least been mentioned in the review, as it shows some growth for the character on-screen (something that other, much more central figures have had happen off screen this season).
Agreed on so many of the things you wrote. I’ve sketched out in my mind some similar ways that the show could/might have worked better across 4 seasons, with shorter run times (maybe not 30 minutes, but 40-45?). I think Nate’s descent/turn back to the light needed to be season-long also, maybe in season 3, and then if…
I’m OK with the unbelievable nature of Beard’s story, if only because it’s been the show’s sort of tongue-in-cheek joke for three seasons now. Could a premier league assistant coach be a literal unknown? Not in the real world. But that was the fun of the character in this make believe world. He was an international…
Plus, there’s absolutely no reason that a team on a 15-game win streak would entertain bringing a potentially toxic person back into their clubhouse. You don’t mess with chemistry at that point, particularly when the person in question left so badly. So seeing exactly how the team came to this decision would have done…
I laugh my ass off every time the team goes to another hotel and Keeley is the presenter on the hotel’s default channel. Every time.
I assumed it was rehab and I’m surprised it wasn’t mentioned in the review above. It seems like another way the show illustrates how the culture change within the Richmond clubhouse ripples outward to affect others. I liked that they showed Jamie texting his dad, but not his dad’s reply. That is the sort of “connect…
I liked Keeley getting to start her own firm, but I do not understand why the writers didn’t immediately make Richmond her #1 client. That would have kept her around the clubhouse a lot more, and could have given an opportunity to flesh out a bit more of the Roy/Keeley dynamics and backstory about what went wrong. It…
Yeah, the execution of the connect the dots moments has been uneven at best, and at worst it’s left viewers feeling like they’re missing out on large plot developments. One of the reasons why so many viewers aren’t sold on Nate’s redemption arc is because we haven’t been given the catharsis of watching him or the…
I get those e-mails too. Funnily enough, they want me back, but they never offer a discount. So they can get bent.
Robert Downey Jr. admitted as much about Iron Man, too. Basically, I saw him in an interview for one of the Iron Man sequels where he said something like, “Once the mask comes down, I’m on a plane back home to California.” When it’s just the full suit on screen, it’s either CGI or another actor in there, not Downey.…