
Narrowing roads is a pretty common method of traffic calming that has been repeatedly shown by rigorous study to make roads safer for motorists and pedestrians/cyclists (basic principle: wide, straight roads encourage unsafe speeds, narrower roads require more driver focus, which means they slow down). So

I had to come back here after finishing the second half of the season because wtf. I don’t know what the AV Club reviewer was watching, but this was far from a “wildly entertaining” best phase of the show since season one. They were borderline unwatchable, particularly episodes 8 and 10 (Marienne’s episode and the

Agreed. I might like to see a little quickening of the pace here in season 2, but overall it’s better constructed and more finely tuned than season 1.

I think that’s how I’m going to tackle it. I’ve gotten mixed reviews of it from friends whose opinions on film and Hollywood/Bollywood I trust, so I want to see it. But I don’t think I can do three hours in one sitting. 

Maybe? But I really doubt it. There are ways to make mismatched lighting work, but it generally takes each element having at least one shared feature (same color, or size/shape, or material, or hanging length, etc.). If there’s a common thread connecting all three, you might be able to make it seem eclectic and

I thought of this example, too, but then I checked and NPH didn’t publicly come out until a year after How I Met your Mother premiered.

Being dogged would be OK if Oprah were a good interviewer, but she’s not (despite her news background). If you watch enough of her, you see patterns emerge where she talks over guests, pushes them to answer unfair/loaded questions, dismisses responses she doesn’t agree with etc. She’s right up there with Ellen in

Now playing

She also told all-around badass and atheist Diana Nyad that she (Nyad) wasn’t an atheist and in fact believed in god because she “felt awe” and that that was god. Like, fuck off bitch, you don’t get to define someone else’s spirituality or lack thereof. Oprah, like Stephen Colbert to a lesser extent, has a difficult

I have an acquaintance who hung two mismatched pendant lights above her kitchen island. They’re both black, but one is more industrial and the other is farmhouse. They’re different shapes. One is rectangular the other is spherical.

I’ve got two episodes left, and I’m dragging my feet on them because it’s been so bad. I can’t fault the cast. They do yeoman’s work with what they’re given. But the plotting and the dialogue have been absolutely dreadful. I just watched the episode with the “big reveal” that basically retcons the entire first half of

Along with all manner of biblical sign-offs: God Bless, Blessings, Be blessed, and His peace be upon you (yes, I got that one once). None of these belong in work e-mails.

Yep, those are my go-tos. Cheers if we’re on informal terms, regards if we’re not (or if I’m e-mailing a student about something serious like cheating). Cheers I like because it’s friendly whereas regards is more formal. 

It’s been a real joy for us, too. It wasn’t immediately apparent in the pilot how funny it was going to be, but by midseason it hit its stride. It embraces a lot of different styles of humor, and I think that means it works for a lot of different kinds of people. 

This is the definition of a tempest in a teapot and Chelsea fans are showing their ass here. Nobody took a shit on the real banner. Nobody burned it to ashes. A TV show used a little CGI to make it work for their show in a clip that ultimately lasted about five seconds. Calm your tits, Chelsea. 

I would NEVER be over it. NEVER. So you hang onto that as long as you need to. What a horrid woman. 

Me too. I think there are a couple of tells just in the way that the radiologist testified. For example, she testified that injuries causeda hindered ability to taste wine, among other more grave conditions.” That’s weak. Rhetorically, you lead with your strongest piece of evidence to build an argument. If there

And season one, to the best of my recollection, does kind of set up Tom as a dolt. Yeah, he’s in Waystar, but the implication seems to be that it’s nepotism more than anything that keeps him around. He gets given roles and promotions, but we never actually see if he’s any good at them. I know more than a few VP-level

I like how these things are listed like anybody can do them just because they read. Tons of people read books. Very few read and write at the level necessary to consistently produce good summaries, let alone good analysis and criticism. That takes skill and practice. And it also sometimes (most of the time?) takes a

I laughed out loud when I read the “or you can choose a cut of the royalties” line. Like any audiobook being developed by ACX or other independent producers is making anyone any royalties. Let’s be realistic. 

The music is fine enough in the context of the show. It gets the job done. The mistake was trying to market and sell it like it was an actual album from an actual band. The producers should have just let the show be the show and not tried to tie in a whole bunch of cross promotions.