
Unless Rupert hired Nate specifically to hurt Ted, I think this is just one of those narrative choices we just have to accept. It does work schematically to have Nate become Ted’s nemesis, at least.

Thank YOU for reading/commenting.

Yeah, that became starker as the season went alone. And to be clear, I don’t consider those other people philistines. I get it! It’s just not what drew me to the show.

I appreciate this comment, and I’ve been thinking how to respond to it all day beyond “please ignore the grades, I only do them because I have to.”

Interesting and thoughtful post. I’m kind of hoping that there isn’t a redemption arc.  Maybe reconciliation of sorts but I’m with Nick himself that it would be just as interesting not to wrap up everything in a neat bow, every time.  Have him make his own peace with it, or at the least end the next season with the

I love how you can sense the make up artists trying to balance between aging Claire and Jamie while retaining their conventional hotness for the viewers.

I understand where you’re coming from and I respect it. I just...disagree.

That’s fair, and maybe the structural solution would have been to have the Nate-Ted break happen earlier in the season. It potentially could have been a major contributing factor to Ted’s anxiety attack and something Dr. F helped him address. As it was, we didn’t see a lot of Ted’s present state as factors in his

I think the underlying issues the show has faced is that it’s leaned too hard into creating separate tracks for its characters, when it really needs to about a team and, well, Ted Lasso. Running on separate tracks works better for some shows — a show about friends or coworkers at a big company doesn’t need a strong

Yeah, as I commented on the review thread it would be one thing if Ted actually took some of the lessons he learned from therapy and applied them to his coaching—and hey, maybe he’ll do just that next season—but instead he felt very peripheral to the season’s biggest moments. Season 1 Ted is complex character who

I don’t think I have a “worst” moment from season 2, just a lot of stuff I wish had better ramifications. But I’ll say I didn’t like Lasso’s therapy storyline as much as others. Felt like he got sidelined on his own show, and I found some of his attitude about it just didn’t sync with the character presented in Season

The write-ups have conditioned me to flinch whenever I read the words “Dubai Air.”

I don’t know if I would call it a “heart-to-heart” since that usually requires two people talking. Nate’s scene was more of a speech or a rant. But it was superbly acted. I wonder how much of him we’ll actually see next season. The show doesn’t spend time with other teams, even when Jaimie Tart left.

This! And another thing (sorry to pile on Nate, but not really), he has no idea what it means to be good manager. He thinks managing the team is solely about developing game strategy. But look what he did with the False 9.

“You’re listening to WITE.”

If it makes you feel any better, you see the turn coming very early in the season.

I remember visiting the rural part of my home state back in the late ‘90s. While listening to what to that point had seemed a relatively innocuous classic rock station, I heard the station ID: “You’re listening to W-blah-blah-blah, your all-rock station. No rap, no reggae.” Weren’t even trying to hide it.

I’m with Ruffin on this one. That song wasn't it and never should have been considered.

Once again: Incredibly rude, but thanks for reading and watching!

Did Trump actually do anything about it though?  Because Trumpsay any kind of bullshit he thinks people want to hear, while Trumpdo hardly anything unless he thinks it’ll profit him somehow.