
Yeah, isn’t everything supposed to be coming out of there clean? I do separate my towels from my clothes but I’m not about to start a separate load for my kitchen towels.

THIS! Life isn’t germ-free and isn’t supposed to be! Not to belittle current Covid prevention measures - but nobody’s getting Covid from their towels.

I’m assuming that people are doing laundry with laundry detergent. The concern should be minimal based on that assumption.

I do laundry each week and toss in towels in whatever load still has space. I’m not packing each load to the brim but there is no way I am doing a separate load just for towels. That is madness. Laundry takes long enough. I’m not going to willingly make it longer.

omg, thank you. all of it. it’s all 100% the truth. the constant fear mongering of GERMMZZZ is exhausting.

Oh come on. I’ve somehow managed to survive into my late ‘60s without contracting any dread skin diseases, and I only wash my towels and washcloths every few weeks. I also put them in with all my other laundry. I use hot water because we have very hard and cold well water here, but would not do so if my water was

A good way to have the best of both worlds - we have a small bottle with one those liquor dispenser spouts on the counter for ease of use. When it’s empty, we just clean it and refill it. 

I don’t feel like I have a ton of kitchen items. Heck, in some ways I’m minimalist! But I have zero usable counter space and even less cabinet space. I had to turn a closet in another room into a pantry.

My rice cooker probably should be in a cabinet. My Instant Pot already lives on a round cart from Target. Maybe I could see putting away my toaster. No way in HELL am I moving my stand mixer regularly.

But, wait. There’s that damn out-of-control paper pile, full of junk mail, newspapers, coupons, and kid artwork

If I had cabinet storage for all of these items that’s where they would be.

Things like blenders, stand-mixers, juicers, bread machines, electric can openers, and even toasters if you’re not using them every morning should be put away.

It also helps that the guy playing Skimbleshanks is an absolutely masterful tap and ballet dancer, so he’s able to seamlessly work the dancing in with his acting and character in a way that boosts everything. This Skimbleshanks doesn’t just happen to tap dance, he’s practically defined by it, in a way that feels so

I’m a nurse at a major general hospital. We’ve seen a lot of death and suffering. Talking to fellow nurses, and doctors, the people in our lives “just asking questions” have no interest in listening or believing our stories. I’ve given up on those people, because analyzing past data, you come to the realization: they

Stop “just asking questions” if you won’t listen to the answers.

Rewrite the script so that all of her scenes are inside a real hermetically sealed lab. On her own. Letting her out after shooting finishes optional.

...and if it all goes sideways, you always have the Irish Exit to fall back on.

True words, here: “Seriously, no one is looking at or noticing you nearly as much as you think.”

“Money Heist” is such a bullshit generic title. It’s like calling a western “Cowboy Adventure.”

And anime fans everywhere are saying “now you know what we deal with EVERY TIME WE WATCH A SHOW.”