
This was a great read, and you ticked all the boxes, Jason: unpaid overtime, cultish culture of fanatical workaholics, loss of personal time & health, tacit threats of unemployment if you don’t comply with unwritten rules, etc. But Rockstar’s management’s take on all of this is disingenuous at best, total bullshit at

“The temperament from these guys has always been: It should be a privilege to serve in this organization,” said a person who was there. “And if you don’t agree with that, there’s a long line of people waiting to take your place.”
-The Games Industry (and why it won’t ever be “fixed”)

Meanwhile, Robert Kraft wheezes merrily along, drinking the blood of babies for breakfast and sharing the same tailor as Trump.

What a bunch of bullshit. Sure, no one is “required” to “work hard.” What a fucking laugh! Yeah, not “required,” but they’ll remember you come bonus and lay-off time! Any senior dev who says they don’t expect their employees to work their asses off - often to the detriment of their health (mental & physical) and

This is America.

I found this to be the most tension-inducing trailer of all the Star Wars movies. But fan-boys will probably shit all over it.

Just be sure to lower your head before butting...

Not in the southern hemisphere, it isn’t!

Won’t somebody think of the OWNERS!!!!!

Must be a common behavior.  I saw seals doing this with fish to taunt seagulls flying overhead.  Funny as hell.  We should just start calling seal sea-trolls.

“No fighting in the bleachers” guy is Smiley in Do The Right Thing.

This is all good news (well, except the tax give-away part), but I sincerely hope they give some thought to making it a true multi-use space that has good acoustics. Seattle lacks a good 10k seat concert arena. The concert sound quality at Key is atrocious.

Good stuff!  Might wanna fix that typo in the title card on the Action Park ep., though.

It’s hilarious and sad that the goons standing behind Trump are called “brand ambassadors” on the casting call sheets.

So wait - the two people who felt victimized/scared were the ones referred to the “emergency room” by this psychiatrist? For what?

You lost me at the penis rant. Really? Kids playing with his penis?

And I think it’s a good thing that men don’t get to choose the size of their own penis because that would make for a world of nothing but men with nine foot penises. Some things are best left to chance.

Not sure what the point of showing a collage of people making this symbol before the trolls/WS adopted it is, but you do you.

“...It was not his intention at all to embarrass Haro.” he said as he attempted to embarrass Ogawa.

Everybody’s dog is “well behaved.”