
Do what you're told and shut up: The american dream.

$300?! That's overpriced. I just got two Sixers tickets for $8 strictly on the off chance that I might make it onto the court. This might be the only chance in my entire life that I'll be on a "professional" sports team.

Thanks Andy. Hey, look at all this snow we're getting!

Invincible 2: Deep-Sixed

Daryl Morey was sorry to let a player go who can grab rebounds by sticking his arm straight through the backboard, as if it wasn't there.

I dunno...Dan Slama sounds All-American enough to vault him along a Kurt Angle-esque WWE story arc...

I will ride for the Atone Phone, if just for the phone number.

This just doesn't sound like something the Patriots would do.

Big deal. Texas Western won the NCAA championship playing 3/5 against 5.

did you see what she was wearing? she was definitely asking for it. luckily if it's a legitimate hit, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.

I didn't see that Tiger jump either..

"Fascist prick, treating a guy that harshly. It's abusive, is what it is."—Jimbo Fisher

Fieri: This mullet appears to be a juvenile.

*raises envelope to forehead*

Fifty Shades of White.

I for one can't wait to pick up a copy of Bill's new book, Tuesdays With Moldy.

Damn you for making me feel sympathy toward LeBatard. Damn you.

And that was the last time Tom brought a copy of "The Origin of Species" to an SEC game.

Seeing as how it is Cortland Finnegan I feel I can comfortably say...BWAHAHAHAHAHA!