
You know whats really cool, though? You don’t HAVE to be an expert in the metric system in order to figure out how many inches are in a meter.

You are no expert. This is very true. 1 meter is 39.37 inches. Over 3 feet. Yeah, that would be a pretty damn big deal.

More likely about 1 meter in the next 100 years. Still a huge deal.

Hey, just an FYI, but that sea level inundation map is for 60 meters of sea level rise, not 60 years. Based on current projections, we expect about a 1 meter sea level rise in the next 100 years or so. That would be pretty catastrophic in an of itself, but just thought you ought to know.

Counterpoint: Hawkeye deserves no respect and is a bad superhero.

Very punchable, indeed, but I still think McCrory has a slight edge.

He’s a bad governor, and an angry one too, but his face is much less punchable.

Noted drug dealer Brandon Chicken strikes again.

Can Deadspin do a “Governor with the most punchable face” poll? Because I would bet $5 on Pat McCrory.

So, basically the ending to 97.3% of all Auburn one possession games. Jordan-Hare has magic in it.

Yeah, but fuck that guy and his parents for spelling it “Druw”.

Anything short of the death penalty for programs that are guilty of this shit is a travesty. The fact that Penn State was given a slap on the wrist probably means this will be even more lenient. Fuck the NCAA.

Ok, did anyone else notice that Belichick’s jacket in the Trump photo was unbuttoned at the top and buttoned at the bottom? I mean, that is a crime punishable by death, yes?

Oh, but when Serena says this she gets in trouble.

This is not a new phenomena in weather.

Souza had benintinding that ball go over the wall.

Indeed. Don’t think it was on purpose, but there are wrestlers who used to punch in the forehead in such a way as to create a cut. Not that big or deep of one though. If it was on purpose, Lesnar will receive stiff punishment. Orton has a bit of a bad streak backstage with wrestlers who botch moves with him.

Blading has been a serious no-no since the PG era started. Batista was fined $100k for it. At one point, they were cutting to black and white if blood showed up in PPVs I believe, but I guess they have drifted off that some.

So, for those of us who casually follow this, it sounds like this was planned? Thats strange because WWE has been completely against blood since the move to TV-PG. So, now I cant tell if the Shane thing was in the script, or if the match was supposed to continue and one of those elbows was just a little too real.