
Use the hair as a mop?

The NFL decided to reconsider after Robert Kraft didn't invite Roger Goodell over for his offseason Saturday slumber party.

Best carving knife in the world is a $20 hardware store electric knife. Even big name chefs swear by them.

I wonder if it would be beneficial to brine the bird as you would a turkey? Seems like it would make it extra flavorful and juicy.

Oregon is also home to a large skinhead population.... That white enough for ya, Colin?

How about if you miss you get 0 points. Like, you lose the touchdown.

Who the hell let Amy Schumer into the locker room? Don't you think her movie will do enough damage as it is!

I again argue it is unfair to put up Tortilla Chips by themselves, because they are almost always in tandem with either queso, guac, or salsa. If you had tortilla chips and guac I would think that would have won.

"If you aren't tampering, you aren't trying". - Bill Belichick

I think you mean a marmot.

Looks like the culprits were Tennessee State students.

I read this as the Bears trade Cutler for the entire NY Jets team.

That didn't even Knick the rim.

It will never be un-grayed. NEVER!!!!!

The ref on the near side was just about to call a block, too. Watch him.

"Implicit in all of this dwelling on Winston's odds of shooting himself in the foot is that most think he'll be a better quarterback than Mariota..."

C'mon man. Winston's done way worse than I have. - Plaxico Butress

If so, he should be put to death.

It's a spinoff of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

I'm just interested in the fact Peter Vecsey has to use @petervecsey1 because @petervecsey was already taken.