Thundarr Blackstar

Have you tried, uhm, “firing a torpedo”?

It’s going on four hours... should I see a doctor?

Curt’s 50 years old, so he’s saying that if he were still 35 he’d be ... ? i can’t finish the thought, or rather, I did finish it and it was so vile I deleted it.

The beauty part of the set-up for this mess that Schilling created for himself is that the initial question from the Fox Bidniss Lady was a softball for Curt to defend an entirely different set of remarks by Donald Trump that revealed him to be a sexual predator.

Tomase: Seems like you were kinda tying yourself into knots trying to defend Trump yesterday bud.

If he keeps it up, Schilling could be a contender for Trump’s Secretary of Defensiveness.

So the people who enabled this pervert’s sex abuse sent letters to the judge saying they got this covered. Seems legit.

sorry, man, should’ve NSFWed that pic

Oooh, and they could go up against all the villains with awesome facial hair like Leader, Doctor Faustus, Baron Mordo, etc.


I’d like to see Iron Man and Dr Strange team up for “Awesome Facial Hair Bros: The Movie”.

Well, yeah that could work. Or....

Not a bad idea at all. What are some heroes you’d like to see paired? For my part, I think a Hulk/Dr. Strange team-up might be interesting. Initially Banner could be trying to learn some mystic arts to control the Hulk and Strange could be studying the Hulk’s regenerative abilities because in his heart, he still want

I wished for an October Surprise. This is like a month of Halloween. Like, after a few days, it’s not fun, anymore. You ate all your good candy, you have a stomach ache, you have to figure out what to do with the shitty candy, and your parents won’t let you take off your costume or wash off the day’s old makeup.

Seriously, they are the dumbest “billionaires” I think I’ve ever heard talk. Not clueless... well, that too. But honestly dumb. Oh, they have SOME smarts. But I’m really surprised at least one of them hasn’t drowned by raising their head to the sky during a rain story and opening their mouths.

After this Ghost in the Shell movie, I’m gonna have had my fill of Scarlett Johanson. At least as far as seeing her in action roles goes.

Black Widow movie

I’m kinda over Black Widow/Avengers, and anyway, I doubt a standalone Black Widow movie would be a very interesting entry into the espionage genre; it would probably be a series of action sequences with coincidence, techno-magic, and dumb luck masquerading as spycraft as the connective tissue.

Look at this pic and tell me it doesn’t give you a chub

First consider changing your final set of a given exercise into a negative (eccentric) one, instead of packing a full workout of all your sets that way, and see how that affects your soreness first, and then add them, slowly, from there.