Thundarr Blackstar

Am I the only who who think Lena is a baddie who hired the assassin to make her look like a goodie?

I see that as more of an Outer Limits scenario. The probe swarm meets some kind of “resistance barrier” at the midway point between our and another star system, so we stupid human crank our lasers to 11 to force the probes through, which the aliens (who thought they were helping to decelerate runaway probes) take it

Zip through. Among the reasons to send many - they can each take a tiny snapshot as they zip by and we add up the data into a bigger picture. Many future technological challenges are going to be solved by increases in computing power letting us get a lot more from a lot less - a million little high speed snapshots of

Blasting them onto their mission with a giant laser would tend to announce our presence decades before the first probe got in their neighborhood. And then - if we assume an alien that can detect and track a gram-scale probe in their local space, they can easily determine it’s trajectory whether there’s one of them or

I think the idea is intended purely for a fly-by. Unless, of course, the folks on “B” are doing the same thing, in which case their giant laser would decelerate our probes while our giant laser is decelerating their probes. I think Rod Serling must show up in this theory, somewhere.

I imagine that the transmitters would be rather weak, but if the probes were sent out by the millions in a long train to the destination, each probe would only have to communicate with the one behind it, relaying the data back to Earth.

I wish I had more +1 to give for the Good Ole Blues Brothers!

Haitian Revolution world so I can be head white dudes, tbh

You keel 10 or 11 fellow astronauts for coveting your ice cream bar and suddenly you’re labeled as a space-mad chihuahua.

“How can he possibly resist the maddening urge to eradicate history at the mere push of a single button? The beautiful, shiny button? The jolly, candy-like button? Will he hold out, folks? Can he hold out?”

Don’t touch it! It’s the history eraser button you fool!

+1 Blues Brother. “Oh honey, we got both kinds. Country and Western.”

I suspect the “locker rooms” he goes to at Trump-branded golf clubs, filled exclusively with boorish entitled rich white old men like himself, might have somewhat more of the casual sexual assault talk than professional sports’ locker rooms.

Oh, my beloved ice-cream bar. How I love to lick your creamy center. *takes a couple of bites* And your oh, so nutty chocolate covering. You’re not like the others. You like the same things I do: Wax paper. Boiled football leather. Dog breath. We’re not hitchhiking anymore. We’re riding!

He’s gotta...SPACE...MADNESS!

I haven’t seen a female knock the hell out of someone like that since... well since last night at the debate I guess

Title NEIN

“What kind of sports do you usually have here?”

Sleepy Hollow is very hollow.