Thundarr Blackstar

So is Jimmy going to grossly violate journalistic ethics by rigging up cameras to get action shots of the Guardian à la a certain wall-crawling web-head I could mention?

They develop that theme as the show goes on; I feel it fleshes out Norman’s character in a way the original film didn’t have time for and that the 80s sequels chose not to pursue.

And when they break through the wall, it leads right back to our solar system?

No Norma(n) Bates? Dude creeps me right the fuck out whether its Anthony Perkins or Freddie Highmore, and the movie sequels (1983 and 1986) were surely as execrably campy as any other 80s slasher flicks to warrant inclusion on this list.

Oh you people and your “science”! ;-)

Navigator: Captain! I detect a meteor swarm heading right for the ship at velocities that will punch right through our shields!

She did, but for me it was the stonecold way she blew that assassin’s ass away before he could tell the Supercousins who hired him (unless he did say something and I missed it because I was tell my 4YO to get back to bed).

Am I the only who who think Lena is a baddie who hired the assassin to make her look like a goodie?

I see that as more of an Outer Limits scenario. The probe swarm meets some kind of “resistance barrier” at the midway point between our and another star system, so we stupid human crank our lasers to 11 to force the probes through, which the aliens (who thought they were helping to decelerate runaway probes) take it

Another question: Any way to maneuver them to avoid obstacles? I know space is vast and mostly empty, but we wouldn’t want to go punching holes in any alien structures...they may not take kindly to that :-)

Fair enough.

Like a breadcrumb trail for the aliens to follow back to Earth?

How would a chip-sized spacecraft store power? How would it send data back to Earth? What happens when the fleet gets bombarded by solar wind, or sucked into a wormhole and detained by inter-dimensional beings?

French theme-park for 20 Fructidor I through 10 Thermidor II, because I like to watch people making omelettes.

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Cash keeps on slippin’ slippin’ / Into my pocket.

“What kind of sports do you usually have here?”

Sleepy Hollow is very hollow.

Wait, where’s Diana’s long-form birth certificate? What’s that? She wasn’t ever born, but was rather molded from (foreign!) clay and animated by Zeus? her mother was a foreign head of state and her father an Olympian diety and she was born on a mysterious, uncharted isle? Doesn’t sound very “natural born” to me!

For my part, my reasons for quitting football can be summarized in two words: Ben Roethlisberger.