
ya like depression quest... fuck kotakus editors for that, your in bed with the feminazis. try being neutral

transparent , with your PAID CONTENT DISGUISED AS ARTICLES. or 50% of your shit jus being a link to reddit... ooooo its so hard having ethic in journalism when you copy and paste and write 1 sentence. And dont act like you dont do this shit, i could link over 1000 articles that are exactly it, but you already know the

open your mind, they asked a question which the panel wouldnt have discussed otherwise IN AN OPEN FORUM, when the people answering agreed then got uncomfortable the feminazis kicked them out. Their points are valid , and despite claiming speech is proctected and wanting to protect the poor innocent lil girls, they

how is asking you if you work at hooters a troll? im a guy and used to work at hooters, alot of people in alot of towns work at them, way to shit on an entire demographic because you felt slighted. and how is asking if your employed insulting, he didnt swear , threaten to violate you, camp and or tea bag your corpse,

i bet your thought district 9 was good, and not a bowl of steaming shit. Or how about elysium, id rather have my teeth pulled, this writer is SO HEAVY HANDED, its not even a metaphor atthis point when hes shoving shit down your throat, fuck chappie, fuck the shrimp, fuck space people , its all THE SAME STORY YOU TWAT.

i never said i was smrt , but thanks for agreeing the author fo the post and i are both idiots, i agree spell checking and google searching or not doing it is lazy, but hey , im being paid to type this shit, and tha mother fucker luke plunkett is, thats the differnce. im an amateur idiot,

i would love the Gabe loading screen.

great find, its as if you googled the 2 things, something the authot of this post didnt seem to do.

your so fucking stupid.

and 1 button Aoeing is skill, i played a frost dk and i hit 3 buttons... thats it, and i RULED the dps chart. Howling blast 4 times is not skill, CC and sap is skillful., they got rid of cc and made everyone an aoe machine

your whats wrong with america and frankly this planet

dont be a bitch, its a space robot pirate joke

seriously bro sto sucking Seinsheissers dick, those headphones arent even sale. Your becoming less of a deals page more of a corporate PAID ADVERTISEMENT. Or do you think its worth showing headphones retailing for 99.99 at the amazing sale price of 99.99

seriously bro sto sucking Seinsheissers dick, those headphones arent even sale. Your becoming less of a deals page

i have to mute dota 2 and all fps , the communities are the worst scum of the earth

i love dota, but this article was horrible

hes eastern orthodox

NOT TRUE ON PIDIDDILES. many squads have a switch to toggle the left or right headlight, just so they can creep close at night without suspicion its a pig in disguise. Illinois chicago area

so you think screaming at a camera is creative? this guy is a fucking troglodyte, there are many many many game streamers and reviewers out there who are talented and creative yes, But holy shit why you would choose this guy as your martyr. Hes a fucking asshole and honestly ruins the spirit of many games that i

look how many types of beetle coevolved... its staggering

if by narrow minded you mean literal, then yes.