
should be Star Wars (the originals)

really... you think people wont know that "biters" are zombies, wtf are you smoking man

in 'merica its between 15-18 for the booty, in japan its fucking only 12. Differnt peeps have diff social norms, i guess, but cmon 12?

Do boys typically were skirts more than girls , NO , thanks for proving my point with the definition

Exactly my point a girl with boy characteristics greater than her feminine is the defintion. How many boys do you know wearing dresses? i.e Shes not a fucking tom boy if shes wearing a dress, thanks for proving my point

Ya, many people would be 100% ok with that, so long as its optional... you mentioned theft, so ok GTA, life in prison, or get your hands chopped off... to many people life in prison is far worse than missing 2 hands

answer honestly, when you think TOMBOY, do you picture a girl in a miniskirt...

Tomboy , a girl who dresses and acts like a boy. SHES WEARING A FUCKING DRESS.

holy shit laptops are fragile pieces of shit, i had no idea

link to an article about "spray paint weed" Because im calling bullshit on you. Go smoke a joint and relax/

show me any eveidence of weed cut with anything, and hey ill show YOU that its not weed anymore genius, crack kills, weed doesnt.

I wish i could throw him and all the other on a giant bonfire. THIS is whats wrong with society , even things we care about arent real, and if they are real , they instantly get co-opted by a corporation and monetized. Professor Farnsworth would say , "i dont want to live on this planet anymore." Well im gonna say i

own being a coward who rage quits when confronted by a superior player.

Or , your a stupid whore, who has a chemical imbalance in her mind. ITS NATURAL, flying isnt natural for humans either, yet we do this. Space travel certainly isnt normal for humans either, but its the only thing that will save us from Whoriffic morons like you. Go preach your shitty life style somewhere else.

lol wires, LOOK AT THE WIRES

well said.

i wish i could set them on fire in a cage.

How the hell you gonna talk about DBZ dancing , and NOT show THE GINYU FORCE, the elite soldiers of frieze, who ACTUALLY do dance as part of their fighting technique... You dont have to force this article with clips makin it look like dbz people dance. cause they already do homie

PATRICK FUCKING McGOOHAN... Aka No. 6 aka Secret Agent Man Aka the only real british spy

Goddamnit, heres another, refering to rogue, she wears leather gloves which cancel out her absorbtion powers... So why couldnt a guy just wear a leather condom , or sheepskin , and bang away without fear of her powers... im beginning to think the author didnt put much logical thought into this, or is a woman. i just