
IM pretty sure Hulk can bang She-Hulk, or would she rip his dick off?

How much does SENNHEISER pay you to advertise their garbage product, it seems for the last 2 weeks you have advertised nothing in the headphne department but these outrageously priced earbuds and head phones. 49 bucks for the cheapest yet best headphone atm , i scoff at your paid advertisement, and if your not being

Simon is the only soul who can save the series from what JJ money bag's Mc scrooge did, Holy fuck do i iwsh i had a time machine to take this guy out. In several interviews JJ even said he wasnt a star trek fan and I shit you not " doesnt even understand the show" DIRECT QUOTE.

So is it a spin off show? then a person from the 6 episode spin off joins the regular show? i've read your article 3 times and cant figure out what your saying.

what i shit out in the toilet this morning made more sense than this guys list.

go ahead an grey this out, does it make too much sense for you not to comment?

You are NOT a unique snowflake, Momotaro.

After seeing this game featured on Democracy Now as being horribly violent and misogynistic, is it safe to call this female producer of the game a Misogynist as Mrs. Sorkensen did in her interview multiple times.

And still you think its about you. and still you reference Your work. And how YOU contacted the maker of this.... Are you Narcissus reincarnated? Go stare in the mirror for all time you worthless piece of monkey shit. Go fling your feces at yourself, better yet , go fling your filth at your family K.

Seriously again, you make this ABOUT YOU. The kid who made this city did a great job and im not hating on him. You sir are so egocentric and oblivious to this fact that its painful to even engage you. All you can do is self reference and cant even appreciate the article about this kids nice midgar masterpiece. How

How amusing , still taking time from your uber busy life to comment against me. Do you remember why the vitriol started to fly in the first place? well i will remind you, You tried to steal this kids thunder (or mojo) since your prolly 40 something. YOU didnt do shit, but you felt the need to humnle brag about YOUR

Kotaku's editor fucked the girl in question and wrote several pro articles about "depression quest." never mind that the game in question would ave been terrible and not interested a sole... kotaku buried the lead as in THEIR EDITOR FUCKED HER then wrote positive stories about a game not even released. there is an

the fact you had time to respond to me shows you have no priorities in life. Am i worth the time you could be spending with your "family." I guess so since you felt the need to put me in front of your loved ones. Father of the year, Family man of the year. "*Your" an inspiration to pieces of shit everywhere sir.

I bet your terrible at your job , with your wife and lousy at raising your kids