
Well, they pay you, don’t they?

Yeah. I remember clearly understanding that the characters clearly were lepers back when I first saw it as a dumb high-schooler in the late 90s, so it couldn’t have been that subtle. I’ve never heard it described as an ‘urban legend.’ That seems silly.

Wait, the fact they were lepers and discriminated against elsewhere was an urban legend? I thought that was a super obvious part of the story.

1) None of those, no matter how beloved, was ever held up as an example of genuine art the way The Prisoner has been.

What is a man...?

Why can’t it just be my opinion and how I feel about the game after having played it for 42 hours and found it wanting?

i’m exaggerating a bit but, for me, that ‘process’ looked a bit like this!

No, not Borg:

And the other stuff on the gallery website, while certainly not traditional, didn’t scream sci fi at me. Meh. Art people gonna art.

Things that this sculpture and Faye Valentine have in common. They are non-live female creations. end list.

I never would have thought that was Faye...because it looks nothing like her.

Edmund McMillen had a point, it would have been way more awesome for the games to unlock at the intended time as a surprise or something, but dataminers just like to take the fun out of everything by killing our sense of surprise.

So when I placed my penis inside of a hot dog bun and asked my wife if she wanted a “cock meat sandwich” I was wrong? WTF !?!?

Yeah. Maybe a transgender paraplegic.

You can keep him and roman polanski, plenty of good books and movies not composed by pedo’s

Haven’t read much Vladimir Nabokov, have you? (I know, don’t feed the trolls...)

“If a man wrote this , he would be jailed.”

On what charge?

They couldn’t afford him.