
A few years ago, my doctor said to get one they would maybe have to break the hymen. I ended up not going through with it, but she didn't make it sound a major barrier at all!

Pretty much this

Maybe it's because I'm part of the most singled out demographic for "just not attractive" comments (black female), but I can't help but wonder how different things would be if media portrayals of women of color were different. Black women are unanimously shown as screaming "boujetto" Housewives and baby mamas on

I'm a teeny tiny 30A and while I'd really like to "fill out my clothes" (cliched but true... I have to rock the VS Bombshell multiway for so many dresses), but honestly, ever time I see a teeny tiny person with implants it reminds me of why I've never seroiusly considered it. The idea of all the skin stretching just

Also I don't really get what this article is trying to say...

"Slutting it up"

Who wants to bet that Ireland Baldwin will start popping up on minor NYFW runways... six or seven months and fifteen lbs from now :(

It really doesn't look professional at all... both in terms of artistry and, well, the fact that there appears to be no photoshop at all.

I'm interested in this as well. My guess would be that Asians are permitted at the white prom, but non-white Latin@s are not. And the article said that a biracial student was turned away, so I'm assuming they're still following the good ole' one drop rule out in Wilcox

Oh they're definitely out there, they just aren't being played in Cinema 10 in Middleofnowheresville, USA the way Tyler Perry is. The internet is helping to change that a bit- now more than ever one can hop on over to youtube and watch ABG or donate to a kickstarter to get a black film made- but I still long for the

There are lots of black people who connect with his message and agree with what he says. Source: pretty much everyone in my family that regularly goes to church and isn't the heathen pinko liberal commie that I am. Black people are obviously capable of "standing up" to Tyler Perry but clearly, as a community, we just

In Tyler Perry World it is impossible to be both successful and have a healthy, happy home life to someone of equal success. If you have have a husband (with a job! usually blue collar, but sometimes not!) that leaves you unfulfilled: you are too sexual or too demanding or too... something, and you will singlehandedly

What a BAMF

I remember talking talking to Spike Lee for a hot second (ugh no way to say that without sounding name drop-y), and honestly, I think the problem is that there really aren't other voices out there. It'd be one thing if Adam Sandler was the only successful white filmmaker, but he's not; and sadly, even though it is

Pretty much my sentiments exactly (though I am always at a loss for boyfriends and relationships hahaha). I just feel very uncomfortable physically if I don't trust someone.


"Most people have eschewed the whole "we need to date before we have sex" mentality"

I just hope that it isn't another instance of 80% weight related jokes/skits :(

Oh totally. I have a cousin who is a very fair skinned black woman- white skinned, but with features that hint at not being black- and she consistently gets asked if she's adopting or babysitting her blonde haired, blue eyed pink skinned baby girl. That's got to get so grating. :(