
A lot of white people are sick of white people's shit too.
And when you point out white racism, white people don't have many choices:
1) pretend it doesn't exist, and that white people are the REAL people being discriminated against
2) realize it's true, and cry
3) realize it's true, try to be a thin skinned prick, laugh,

White people: we need help with the simple things.

"And each time it happened, we (collectively) exhaled and said “Whew, that was a close one” — effectively turning into The Guy In Every Friday The 13th Who Knocks Jason Down With A Frying Pain, Thinks He’s Dead, Turns His Back To Celebrate, And Gets Disemboweled With An Espresso Machine By A Totally Not Dead At All

Are you thinking of Bertie and Jeeves? I think that's the name of the characters played by House's Hugh Laurie and Stephen Frye…

Which kid is Oprah playing?

I wonder if this has to do with the fact that his show is incredibly boring and pointless. I mean, we already have Jimmy Fallon.

I think I would loathe her less if her marketing team hadn't manage to penetrate every media I enjoy in a way that even tentpole summer blockbusters don't.

Sansa may not deserve the crap she's getting, but the little princess hard deserves any respect.

It broke my heart to discover that Ridley Scott is no more of an auteur than Bruckheimer; the only difference was that Scott was lucky enough to be handed Alien and Blade Runner early in his career. Other than Thelma and Louis, can you name another Ridley Scott movie that's better than mediocre?

Duchovny's face-lift occupies my every thought when I watch the new X-Files.

I was just thinking about these movies as I watched the first 10 minutes of Angie Tribeca, before I shut it off, erased it, and told the DVR not to tape any more.

Wow, you haven't seen very much of the world, have you?

You must be joking.

Jay Leno was making blow-job jokes about Bill Clinton 20 years ago. Yawn.

I've actually been feeling the Daily Show with Jon Stewart was feeling pretty toothless since Oliver and Bee left. What made the Daily Show great was the correspondents, not Stewart. I hadn't bothered to watch one of his tedious interviews for years before he left.

"a fascistic, small-town councilwoman who believes it’s a politician’s job to impose her notions of morality, safety, and decency on everyone, no matter what voters want or what the system dictates."

Fixed it for you: "Oh shit, do we have to start paying attention to the committee of hacks that wrote a new record of bland, dynamics-free, music for people who don't like music for Justin Bieber?"

My god, you are a genius.