
Pretty much all of them.

When will the 80s go away? The 80s revival, by my count, started in 1996 and mysteriously exists to this very day.

Should have been hosted by the Log Lady, now that you've reminded me…

If this is how you spent the nineties, I really feel sorry for you.

She says such nice things about you, though.

Will the next one also have boring, unlikeable characters and lead up to a boring, dogfight-like "climax"?

Say what you want about ol' Liberace, but one thing that man was not was asexual.

So, is this the sequel to his book, or to the movie (which is much better)?

Trevor Noah seems like pretty weak sauce by comparison. Actually, I think Schumer might have wound up being better than Stewart, who is crippled by conventional wisdom and the same impulse that compels people in Congress to refer to their "friends on the other side of the aisle" instead of "that fucking asshole with

Yep. Beacon moved into my friend's giant loft where he used to build custom fish tanks and sublet to a kung fu school (which I attended). My friend was, of course, kicked out when his rent was tripled.

Opened up soon after Kokie's closed, on Union, by the park. If you looked around, all the naughty kids were doing key bumps out in the open.

I thought that's what royal oak was supposed to be.

I've got ten years on you, so I have to suffer through the 80s during my high school years. I listened to the stuff from the 60-70s. Then the 90s blew up in my 20s with the coolest music I'd ever heard.

I think Helmet, Girls Against Boys, Sonic Youth, Fugazi, Jawbox, Lungfish, Rodan, June of '44, Turing Machine, Nirvana, Idaho, Swervedriver, Curve, Cocteau Twins, Public Enemy, NWA, REM, A Tribe Called Quest, Luna, Yo La Tengo, Blonde Redhead, and a 1000 other bands who released their best works then would disagree

I think few things represent my feelings of how Williamsburg has changed from the 90s as well as this. If this is what you remember from the 90s, I was living in Williamsburg to get away from you.

Uh… you're not the author?
Ooops. Sorry. My bad.

"He has also had producer credits on albums, so that counts, no matter what he did."

""The cases where I'm credited as a producer are the result of someone at the record company writing that on the back of a record. I don't personally try to exert any influence on my credit. Whatever the band and the record company do with the packaging is their business. But from a position of accuracy, I don't

For god's sake, how do you get a job writing about music when you repeatedly say Steve Albini "produces" records. Are you a half-wit?

Well, the only thing you can be sure of is that if it's Lindelof, it's going to suck.