
Does anyone have any doubts that this movie is going to suck? You have the three worst writers in the world- three guys who could not pass a middle school earth science exam if they collaborated on it.

Would it have been better if I called him a penis? If so, why?

That just made my evening. Thank you.

As one white guy to another, you, my friend, are a gigantic pussy.

Final, Photoshop has achieved that for which it was designed.

That sounds not good. I'm sorry to hear it. Trying to think of some encouraging words, but it's a tough fuckin' world out there. I'm glad I found the lovely and brilliant Mrs Bear.

"I threw my fuck-giving out the window"

I think people should have as much sex as they want to have, safely, because they like it and it feels good and they are not inhibited by an imaginary angry asshole desert god who created us to suffer and boost his ego.

That's what I mean. I'm not too smart as 40+ year old. I was even dumber 20 years ago. I don't think it's unreasonable to say that Lewinsky and Clinton were not on an equal footing here.

Other than that propping up and endorsing brutal dictator thing, cynically voting to invade Iraq (can't look weak on foreign policy, natch) even though anyone with a clue knew there was no evidence to do so. But, whatevs- she knows the internet!

She would challenge Chambliss in the primary for the Republican seat. You can do that with an incombant and it's why the Repubs have swung way to the Right.

I just want to be clear here- since in the article you reference, there isn't an transcription of what he said.

I'm not sure what you were like at 22, but I'm pretty sure that I exercise better judgement now, 20 years later.

What makes Kelton thing that Obama would listen to Romer this time around? He did a pretty good job of ignoring her while listening to noted failures Summers and Geithner.

In fairness, I guess I would have to say I lost the script a bit.

Not a bad point.

Sigh. Pretty sure I've been doing a good job of keeping it civil- as opposed to the condescending talking-to you've been subjecting me to. The chip is entirely your own.

Well, it's probably fairly obvious I haven't paid much attention to the films- as little as I can. It's difficult to avoid them, as they are maybe the single most inescapable force on the planet- i think I'd have an easier time jogging out of a black hole than avoiding the relentless marketing, as well as the

Oh, and re: Buffy criticisms, I wanted to know which ones *you* thought were compelling; I wasn't writing a term paper in the internets views regard Wheadon's works. Why the snotty tone when someone expresses interest in what you had to say?

"By all means, protect the girls from the cancer of Twilight."