
Clinical depression is not cured by having a boyfriend. That is the beginning and end of her difficulty. She's fine before she meets him (right?), miserable without him, and everything is hunky dory when they are back together.

"Buffy and her maker Joss Whedon have a lot of problematic aspects as well"

Good reasons to hate these movies?

Sympathizing with someone whose home has been colonized and turned into an apartheid state doesn't seem like an expression of self-hatred- sounds more like a rejection of tribalism that is one small step towards justice and peace.

Laughing after sex? Isn't that the sign of quality work well done? It is when I start laughing. Means I'm happy.

While Melissa McCarthy deserves that fat check that comes with this movie, she also deserves a better role. Do they have to turn sweet Sookie into Dirty Chris Farley?

I would have to guess that this script would have to be better, because nothing could be as bad as the Lindelof script.

You are a far better person than I am, as I am rooting for these comments to follow them around the rest of their miserable, hate-filled lives.


Yes. In fact, wouldn't Ed just be a creepy stalker girlfriend? I think they have made a couple of beer commercials about that, no?

Imagine how great the world would be if these people devoted an equal fervor, time, and money to providing healthcare and educational opportunities to actual children who have been born. Every once and a while I need to be reminded that these are the same people who vote against universal healthcare for children-

I don't think they could possibly portray Obama in a more positive light than they do now.

I think it might be a photo of Peter Brant II being denied an inheritance and being forced to get a job and earn his own money.

This is the best one I've seen. The obvious adoration they (understandably) have for Obama sort of taints it though- comedy is best served with a side of bile and acid, not with sweets.

No. He won't.

Fuck no. Booker buys into that whole bullshit about Obama being anti-Wall Street, and how he's disgusted by people being mean to Mittens about his career at Bain.

Am I the only one who is worried the writer of Transformers is in charge of this? Even the stuff he's done that I like (like, inexplicably, Fringe) seems to succeed in spite of him, not because of him.

I think we should make voter disenfranchisement a capital offense. Preferably death by a rectally inserted rabid weasel.

God forbid somebody be rewarded for being kind and caring to a dog.

If Duckworth used her military training to leglessly beat Walsh into a coma, I would like to be on the jury so I could vote 'not guilty, by virtue of taking out the trash'.