
I hear you.

Hopefully I will exercise such good judgement in the future.


Excellent diffuse. Jesus, I can't type now. After previous comments, I needed a smile.


Did I read this wrong? Did a high school girl that you know personally get an abortion and then the very next day give a speech about how abortions were immoral? Did her parents know about the abortion? Did they make her give the speech? Or is she the biggest asshole of all time?

I'm guessing it wasn't as easy as you say it was. My old girlfriend and I got an abortion, and it was one of the worst events of my life.


How did that happen, anyway? I don't remember Jim Bakker being particularly anti-gay, but still...

I read "TNG" as Star Trek: The Next Generation (what are you lookin' at?), Spinner as Brent Spiner, and wondered if I had missed a particularly awesome episode.

Their clothes being made by slave labor and children in sweatshops makes them kind of evil, types the man on his Macbook.

Well, her racist tweets, are a good reason. Also, tacit support for spousal abuse are another. Also, she seems to dress specifically to be viewed as an object.

Is he a model a brand of assholery I haven't heard about?

Erm, I don't really have a whole lot of respect for Rihanna. I certainly wouldn't want her to be the spokesperson for my spank lotion.

Well, I could be mistaken, but that looks like a Nike Swoosh above her right breast, no? Also, Nike might improve their pretty horrific image (refusing to name their child care center after someone other than note child molester enabler Joe Paterno, for instance) but endorsing a woman who is not considered

Why ask the question? Because it's what everyone is thinking. Why pretend that it's not? Good for the reporter for having the balls to ask her about her real life, better for her for being open about it and kicking some ass. If Nike wanted to stop sucking slightly less, they should give Camarena-Williams an

You know, I had a little epiphany as to why I just couldn't enjoy this film while at the same time loving the rest of the Alien franchise (I even give AvP a break).

whether or not it's allegory has nothing to do with the genre.

Why do you have to be such an asshole all the time? Half of what you write is just baseless personal insults. I'm sorry that I have not taken the high road in all of our exchanges- but sometimes your pompous supercilious snide comments are just too much to handle.

It sort if abuses my credulity that it would be so inflexible as to not be able to work on a woman's body, but be tricked into cutting out an alien baby of a woman anyway and then staple her up good as new and send her on her way, running merrily through the ship.