
I know a couple of guys (that I don't like very much, to be frank, but aren't *bad* people, in the way I think of villians) who are as harmless as a person can seem to be but had an embarrassing habit of buttonholing women they thought attractive and then talk their ear off about things like Phil Collins' drumming on

Good for you.

Our fervent passion for pledging allegiance IS creepy.

Has anyone invented a word that describes when a reality TV star tries to speak at length 1) using big words they don't fully understand 2) about things they don't understand 3) while trying to give the impression that they are smarter/erudite than they really are?

I think you might give her too much credit- she doesn't say anything, because she has nothing to say.

Dude, Austan Goolsby's grandmom is COLD.

Me too. I tend to think just about anything would work better as an HBO series, rather than a movie, but WWZ would have been especially well suited for a 10-12 episode Burns treatment.

David Brin? While he's not my favorite writer every, his films seem like they would adapt very, very well to the screen- spaceships, sentient dolphins, crazy-ass CGI aliens? HBO should snap that shit up and do a 6 year Sundiver/Startide Rising/Uplift War story arc. Shoot Sundiver first, then do SR/UW simultaneously

Oh, Jenny Agutter... sigh.

Well, is it impossible for it to be a fairly clever marketing move to not oversaturate the airwaves with promos for a movie that we all know is going to be yet another SF movie written and directed by people who would flunk any decent middle school science (cough! cough! Lindelof!!) curriculum?

Holy shit.

Thanks. I was a little peevish, but there is something about that whole 'oh my my my' attitude that just makes me f'ing crazy.

and that is why comments sections are awesome. Thanks.

I'm hardly bitter (wrong word?). There's been a kerfuffle over a social misfit saying that he disliked the cheap commercialization of his once beloved scene, and that hiring the equivalent of Hooters waitresses for a trade show booth pretty much makes everybody lose. He had a hard time saying it and has been getting

You can state a case that being a booth babe is degrading to women. Also, complaining about how hard it is to contribute to the objectification of woman does not tug on my heartstrings.

Words have to mean something, or they aren't good for much. Defining what 'nerd' means has no more than a value judgement than describing the differences between sports, or birds, or more appropriately, social classes. Forgive me if I'm reading what you are saying incorrectly, but I think you might think I'm overtly

I can dig it.

Are you talking about translating the Torah? It the Old Testament an English translation of the Torah, or are both the Torah and the OT separate translations of the same group of texts?

Again, not to be all chicken-or-the-egg, but I'm pretty sure the presence and/or absence of religion will have little effect on how racist someone is. People find what they want in the Bible. Pretty easy to use scripture to justify and/or reject just about anything. I think we might be better off addressing racism

Or conveniently re-interpreted to suit the people doing the new interpretation, no doubt.