
I think it'd be more productive to say Nixon was a Quaker and a hypocrite/bad person/douchenozzle, rather than say he wasn't a real Quaker. What is real? [sound of can of worms opening]

Since cuckold isn't part of my everyday conversational English, I won't be missing it. I am a little bummed that saying 'cakewalk' will never make me think of a happy slice of ambulatory cake taking a stroll with a candy cane walking stick. Because that is pretty much the image I had. Now it just makes me feel

Or, you know, the original text. I think there would be a lot of people who would be surprised that Jesus didn't speak English.

I am also going to assume that you are also deliberately misunderstanding me when you pretend to be offended, because, again, no one could be that incredibly, incredibly stupid.

I'm just going to assume you are deliberately misunderstanding me when you equate what I have said above with women's bodies offending me, because no one could possibly be that stupid.

I grew up in/around Philly, so we have a whole pile of Quaker heritage/history, and I was raised with the idea that they were maybe the single most enlightened group of people in the western hemisphere. I was pretty shocked to find out that Nixon was a Quaker. It's like finding out he was the bassist in Nirvana, or

"Whatevs" is probably the right response to the whole thing, but- did you see that Gawker had a title about "Obama's Next Election Will Not Be A Cakewalk". Many of us (including myself) had no idea where that term came from, and why it should probably be avoided when describing anything Obama does. 'Cakewalk' is a

Actually, since Jez has been talking about how KStew has ben absolutely pilloried in the press while the sleazy guy twice her age is somehow being described as honorable makes this sort of relevant, don't you think?

Nixon, if you can believe it, was a Quaker and racist as all get out. Religion is neither a guarantee of racism or a guarantee of an absence of racism. All religion really proves is whether or not you are religious.

I said elsewhere, I think it's a better bet that racism was bred INTO religion, rather than from it. Plenty of religious people who aren't racist. Plenty of racists who are not religious.

I think it would be more fair to say that racism was bred INTO religion, and not the other way around.

I'm not sure why they don't just write their own Bible, get rid of all the pesky 'Love your brother' hippy stuff, and let Dinsaur Riding Jesus give sermons on how His followers should arm themselves to the teeth to prevent the future UN One World Order.

Oh, Napster. You made me buy so many CDs.

Thank you. I'm trying to work from the assumption that I am being unclear in my writing and people think I'm attacking the presence of woman at the shows. Hense all the time I'm taking to respond to charges of douchebaggery.

It's irritating being accused of being misogynous by a person whose identity is based around catering to disturbingly pedophile-friendly male dominance fantasy. If you don't believe me, take a look at her profile.

Because I find the idea of hiring Hooters waitresses for the sole purpose of sexxxing up a booth at a trade show offensive. I'm surprised you don't.

I'm kind of working from a 'booth babe'/hooters analogy.

re:Scoffing- have you read Naomi Klein's 'No Logo'? Also, see my previous religious metaphor. It's long, but about the best I'm able to explain myself.

I first heard 'emo' in the early 90s, I think. Somewhere around when I got my first copy of 'Repeater'. A fine, fine album.
