
Staw man. I did not say women were not intelligent, and yes it would suck to not be taken seriously because I was a woman/black/nonwhitemale.

Not sure where you got the idea that I was desperate to be one of the cool kids from me defending the commodification of nerd culture. I became socially acceptable because we moved to the town where my dad was rich, and grew a lot. As noted, still have nerd (not exclusively) friends. Been best friends with the same

Straw man. Never said those things.

I'm sorry my list wasn't more complete. Yes, the people that hire strippers to hang around their booths are misogynous twerps, as is the guy who tweeted Felicia Day was a booth babe. I like Felicia Day. She was great in Eureka. Re: gaming cred- I don't give a shit. I have a Wii that gets broken out twice a year

Good point.

Let's not straw man me to death here. Other than in a vague, knee-jerk, Naomi Klein/No Logo objection to counterculture being co-opted for fun and profit, I don't have a horse in this race, really.

That's a great article, and I agree with it.

I have also worked (other) conventions. There is nothing good about the job, unless your employer is extremely unprofessional (in a good way). Awful.

First, as I said before, not a nerd. Once I became popular (through, I might add, no credit to myself) I was no longer, by definition, a nerd. I do, still, remember what it was like to be shunned, which is why I think I understand a lot of this foofuraw.

Oh, please. Give me a break.

I think it would be a violation of interweb etiquette to double post a comment, so if you care enough, maybe you'd like to check out my long comment to 'ukuLady' on this thread.

Oh, please. First of all, the cool kids are, by definition.

Scott has made one good movie in 20 years- not for a lack of trying.

You know, you'd think Kyra Sedgwick would get a bit more love in parts. She's killing it in The Closer. We'll be sad when the show is over. The spin off looks like it could be good though.

So... you're saying you got the job because you're attractive, right? As in, that is your only qualification, correct? I'm sorry no one takes your hotness as seriously as you do.

Oh my god. I want a yard. And a pool. And a fence for my dog.

It's been a long time (like, the 80s) since I went to comics convention. I can tell you that just about every provocatively dressed woman there was a stripper doing a little extra, easy, and slightly less degrading work. Certainly safer.

My wife and I knocked boots the very first night we met. I still think she's the cat's pajamas.

I have the One X as well, and it's the first phone I've been happy with since I got rid of my Blackberry Pearl for an iPhone, which I got rid of for a Samsung Epic.

I would like it to be as tall and wide as my HTC One X, but twice as thick, with a battery that could last a couple of days and a camera lens that worked well in low light.