
Was there any doubt that someone whose byline is "Grant Langston, Sr Director, Content" is a total douche?

What kind of people would bring a kid to a tit restaurant?. The kind of people that go to a tit restaurant.

Oh my god, I hope my wife is never made at me enough to treat my penis as described above.

Is there some kind of debate that "Born This Way" is a ripoff "Express Yourself"? I mean, didn't she just buy the karaoke version and sing new lyrics on it?

Congress has been cooperating with him just fine on the drones, NDAA2012, Patriot Act renewal, Bush tax cuts, rolling over for Wall Street and not prosecuting a single person, trying to imprison journalists for espionage, passing that disastrous J.O.B.S. act...

So, as I understand it, you think:

Good to know. Thanks.

Well, if she knew she didn't want to see him again, she should have made it dutch.

Well, now if we could all follow their example, and not breed ourselves into poverty and starvation. Last I heard, the Earth can only sustain about a billion people. We're well over six now.

I should have been clearer- and you are absolutely right. Michigan receives only $.90 or so for each dollar it contributes.

Has the Catholic Church ever been on the right side of history?

Jesus. You are right. Gives you the willies.

Oh my god, and we just split up into two countries now, already? Let's go our separate ways and let Darwin figure it out.

Um, Pakistan? Yemen? Drones don't count? Also, renewal of the Patriot Act, and outright push for more invasive, civil liberties violating NDAA2012. Nixon didn't try to put journalist who exposed him in jail. Obama has.

I refer, of course, to those women less self-sacrificing than you. There's a reason I don't in the shitty upstate town where I was born- I often attribute my personal motivations to others. No offense intended.

You know, I might have argued with you before Walker handily won his re-election. Now I don't believe anything will get better, ever.

May I suggest Glenn Greenwald's 'Liberty and Justice for Some'. Only if you want to spend a sleepless night or two staring at the ceiling in a rage.

Willis's lawyer is hoping to have the criminal charges squashed: "It would be outrageous to mar a person that's clearly going places—clearly seeking to have a career...with a criminal record."

Because the people in the boonies will vote for Gillibrand? This is the popular mistake the Dems make, and why the country slides to the Right ever election.