Thud Slamrod

Still doesn’t fix how ugly it is.

The vinyl covered foam just below the rear windows on my mom’s 91 Mercury Sable took a beating from my young choppers


I never finished it. Seemed like Grand Tour pretty much covered everything Top Gear did already

Going from dirt to tarmac is one of the most difficult transitions to judge.

Currently there are three national rally championships in the US.

And his career is over.

Torchinsky hour? We’re so happy we do the dance of joy!

You should get a Yamaha XT225. Theyre cheap, they have decent suspension, they were made for 25 years and hardly nothing changed on them.

I’ll tell ya what happened. No one hates a powerful woman more than other women. That’s what happened.

Planning skills and mechanical ability will take you places.


You’re really reaching here Ryan. Gotta make that Uber hit piece quota eh?

Minnesota license plate.

Well, you wrap it around the whole case to cover the mic hole

Or you could just wrap a tube sock over the mic on your GoPro.

So when are they suing Walmart?

What if you have to push it?

I wish I could disagree with you.