I will take you down harder than the Belgrano pal.
I will take you down harder than the Belgrano pal.
The thrashing of a lifetime! And an assorted cheese platter.
I’m going to tear every Argentine I meet a new one for ruining a great TV show.
Looks like somebody already decided it was NP...
What the hell does “clutch not hooked up to see %” even mean? Plausible deniability - thats what it means.
Just when you think it can’t get any uglier.
I dunno. That’s pretty tame for the French.
Get out there and LIVE people!
Sounds just like Rally America. Lol.
Eagle: An automotive melting pot. Just like America.
Anyone else really sick of the mid video slo mo feature?
Whoop de shit. Clearly Americans don’t care.
People watch this show?
They don’t call it Wississippi for nothing.
Ya know, if the ELR was a 4 door I would have bought one.
Clutchkick McHandbrake!
Cool Ranch Dorifto
I’d been a progressive customer for 10 years, credit isn’t an issue - paid off the car last month. Latest 6 month bill for me on the car is still $498.
Peugeot 504 coupe. AH HON HON HNNNNNNNNG.