Looks more like a fake Walmart parking lot... JADE HELM WHARRGARBLLLLL
Looks more like a fake Walmart parking lot... JADE HELM WHARRGARBLLLLL
Another crushing blow to North Korea’s mortal enemy, the sea.
I kind of like the old scheme, but McLaren is more B Team than A Team at the moment.
Museum quality, and it’ll still spend most of its time on a hoist.
Co driver was always late on calls once you got driving fast.
Still the most realistic rally sim I’ve ever played, 20 mile stages, damage carried between stages, real time limits for service and the only game to have anything close to a proper navigator. And friggin hard too.
Camaro be like:
Work truck be like
Well if that ain’t the wierdest weird ever to weird around the weird wierd, I don’t know what weird is anymore.
A polished turd is still a turd.
Meanwhile in Europe...
Oh I’m sure the owner NEVER drove it over the speed limit EVER. *jerking motion*
What a dickweed.
Wow! This one weird shocking tip is definitely the wierdest most shocking weird thing to ever wierd the wierd! DOES CHRYSLER KNOW THAT YOU KNOW THIS?
Sometimes the weird gets too weird, and then the weird weirdly wierds with the weird beyond all weird. So whats the weirdest weird that weirds around the weird most weirdly?
“We need to test the rear end for stress fractures”
I had a Tornado Red 16V. Biggest piece of junk I’ve ever owned, but damn was it fun on the rare occasion that it worked.
Hes 100% right about German cars though. Deal with it.