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For anyone curious about the groovy opening Bollywood number:

Now playing

In a lot of ways, John Waters’ early work cleared a path for so many other filmmakers and concepts. Think of all the things he did for shock value in Pink Flamingos, Dangerous Living, Multiple Maniacs that resemble the routine in TV and film today.

Yes. After the scene was filmed, Divine began to worry about becoming ill, so either he or Waters, IIRC, called the emergency room at Johns Hopkins, and said that their kid had eaten some dog shit, and asked what could happen. The response was, that if the dog was healthy, there should be no problem, unless it had a

One of my all time favorite MST3k quips is “underwater fight scenes are like the drum solos of movies.”

Martin Scorsese thinks you aren’t cinema.

IMDb says Thunderball is 2hrs 10mins, but I’m certain it’s closer to 10hrs 2mins.

No Time to Pee

The original Doctor Venture(Rusty’s dad) is very much modeled after Doc Savage  

People like you report to people like me

You’re a fucking moron.

I feel terrible about this. I thought that show was fun. I remember Trump from late night shows. He had weird hair and had orange skin as a brand, and then they made fun of him, and everyone laughed. I thought he was in on the joke, just like Richard Simmons. Now I find out he wasn’t in on the joke (or he isn’t

The Apprentice was also pretty reprehensible. If only because it allowed Donald Trump to cosplay as a successful businessman. 

I’m sorry. I want to know what makes a person like Schlafly tick. It’s like a rabbit trying to outlaw long ears.

Mixed feelings. The era is fascinating and Blanchett is my favorite actress, period (and holy shit that entire cast is WOW), but Phyllis Schlafly was a garbage person. I kinda don’t want to feel an inch of sympathy towards her.

What, were movies just not unpleasant enough up until this?

Nahh, Dan’s advice here is fine. If the SO relationship develops into marriage, then the dude might consider deleting the pics. Why destroy keepsakes for a 2 month or even 2 year relationship. The woman needs to climb into the 21st century.

Looking at the 2016 electoral map, they appear to have not gotten the message.

Well, you could go the fuck away. I bet that would solve the problem for ya double-quick.

white men to blame for everything?  just b/c they’ve been in charge ever since the beginning of time?  makes no sense to me.

So yes, of course I’ll be seeing this in the cinema. But I’ll be really sullen about it