
Great thoughts btw. Seeing Pryce this episode pretty much confirms that Waterford is out of here. I can't wait to witness purgings and trials of those like the waterford's. I am also hoping that we could se more of the Underground Femaleroad- that would mean more worldbuilding and (even better) more Moira!

I think what the show is really trying to say with Nick is that he is an everyday man caught up in Gilead. I for one don't think he is a bad person or evil, i just think that he got in a job that he became in over his head with. Its like working for a known criminal or shady corporation. Sure there was bad and the

Helluva visual lol

It seems to me that Nick's only involvement with Mayday will be getting June to safety. So that would mean that he is not a full mayday member, but has a few connections that he can pull strings with. Honestly, its a refreshing storyline for him. Nick not being Mayday and still apart of the eye is a really good job of

Completely. Was was also talking was when he kept asking what she wantied to do (read, sleep,shower) or where she wanted to go. She couldnt even answer.It was almost like she lost the ability to make choices. Which makes sense since Gilead had made ALL decisions for her previously. Her sense of agency for the most

A great scene. Seeing her bewilderment,confusion and anxiety was heartbreaiingg. Its almost like she couldnt believe such kindness -especially from a man- could exist. Samira Wiley did THAT.

"Shooting jimself at his desk"
- like the coward he is

Me too. Especially since june went looking for him at his place and he wasnt there. I thought he was taken away by the eye because of the baby being his.

That bitch is fucking ruthless. If she would hurt a child, i wouldnt be surprised. It kinda reminds me of when slave owners would threaten to put children in the fields or beat them to get their parents to submit.

I think that Team Luke/Moira and Team Nick will be a really interesting storyline. This is way beyond a love triange, which is really petty for the show and fans. This is about family and the structures of families have changed very much in this society. How will she find a way to blend both families and lives? How

I think it was inferred that those letter were soon to be sent out. Its fair to assume that Alma was supposed to get them and deliver them to some sort of mailman. Thats why June told Rita to get the letters.

I agree that their words are a weapon…a really powerful weapon. The handmaids spent so much time having to pretend Gilead wasn't horrible. They were literraly forced to be silent about it. Now those letters allow them to speak more about it. What i even noticed was how the handmaids didn't talk much in the beginning

My thoughts on the characters and their storylines this season:


I haven't thought of it but i do think Serena Joy is driving Offred to Suicide. June even spoke as though she was expecting it. She kept telling Nick that she wanted to be remembered and cared about when she was gone. That's dark.

I think he was being smart. Sleeping together would get them both killed- her on the way and him being beat to death. Plus this commander purge is soon to happen and who knows what shitstorm that is gonna be. Its best to give as little ammunition to the Eye as possible. The message was entirely correct, but the

Right on. Someone above made a good comment about how men like Luke and Nick were in many ways complicit to Gilead- even when they didn't want to be or didn't fully understand what was going on. Their ignorance and idleness led them AND the women to this place. They have all made their mistakes- now it is time to move

I don't think he was mad at June for going to Jezebels with Commander and what else happened that night. Nick has so far shown that he gets it and understands that she doesn't have a choice. He even said at the end of episode 6 that she didn't have a choice to speak the truth about what is really happening in Gilead.

I agree completely. I think Nick was trying to break it off because it was safer. That way when shit hits the fan (and it will bigly), June would be the most protected in the house. Since she is a handmaid, she would get into less troubled when the politics with Commander Pryce come into play.