
Eh, I couldn't give less of a shit about his politics, or what he ostensibly "believes" in.

Yep, pretty much. Which may strike the casual observer as a pretty fucking pathetic and emotionally wounded kind of thing to do, but that's life in the land of the free (to be as gaspingly fucking stupid as possible and reap no repercussions for it).

"What is the point of something like this, are your friends at breitbart impressed?"

America: The Land Of Luxuriating In Pettiness

Yep. And, not 14 minutes later, the intended audience chimes in:

Nakamura shouldn't be anywhere near a talk-heavy segment right now.

"Leading the charge is PilotPriest, a.k.a. Canadian director and visual effects artist Anthony Scott Burns"

"Creative literally took last week’s match and post-match interaction and ran it again."

Spencer Tracy wasn't just buried in Nazi gold, he was MADE of Nazi gold!

I really, REALLY don't think that the dude is a fucking Nazi/white nationalist. Reactive dipshits are peddling that because he took the position of "maybe don't punch people for exercising their right to free speech."

"The funny thing is, I've lived in Chicago for over three years now and I haven't met anyone who gets angry at hot dogs"

Dude, it's a heel turn. A temporary one. It happens.

Upvoted, because I love taking the piss out of people who get damn near apoplectic over the use of a condiment.

Meh, I can't really get up in arms about a character's temporary heel turn, in an industry predicated in part on such heel turns.

I hate you for bringing this to my attention.

"It’s such a fucked-up article that we can only think that the Post is trolling us. Since the obvious intent is to make us click on that headline, well, mission accomplished."

"The Majestic" is the worst piece of garbage that I ever paid money for.

"And while critics have called ”Fearless Girl” an example of “corporate feminism”"

Fuck the crowd. Awful.

One has to wonder how many hour-long cutscenes he can work into a presentation?