
HATE Kinja. Most troll-friendly platform I've encountered outside of 4chan.

ATHF. It is my favorite show that I cannot recommend to anyone in good conscience.

Cantwell's from Keene, NH. Or at least that's where he is now.

Reasons that I'm cool with.

Any idea as to whether Kinja will finally implement block lists, and/or become a less troll-friendly platform?

Kinja is a fucking awful platform with no real protections, no blocking capability, and which is almost entirely troll-friendly.

Tomi Lahren needs to fuck off forever.

Ah, the "lead off with a punch to the face" gambit.

As in their fifteen minutes of fame is almost up.

Their second major album is titled "14:59" FFS!

Sugar Ray filled that "eh, this is fun" niche. It was aural cotton candy. I'm cool with that.

"canonically terrible music" is the sort of phrase you'll find in music writing, in which the author has a contractual obligation to determine what is unilaterally good/bad as if their determination is all that matters. ::shrug::

Dark Tower was fun, for what it was: the best damned 95-minute, underbudgeted, micromanaged production that the creators could make.

Saw The Dark Tower. It was fun. Best way to put it is that it's the best, 95-minute, stripped down DT cinematic experience that the creators were allowed to make.

Boogie Nights is in my top 5. Damned near flawless.

Shit man, that's awesome.

What, Milo was busy?

Quick, someone troll Matt & Trey on Twitter!

Nah, I hate him because of his policies, which are shit. Also because he is the most egregiously unfit POTUS we've ever had.

A+ post. Would bang.