
SIDEBAR: Beyond tired of the solo-act-named-like-a-fucking-band thing.

Miz is in my all-time top 10. Dude is a fucking heat magnet, and he loves every second of it.

I'm in a similar situation, coming off of a divorce, so I'm forcing myself to keep things in perspective. It's very easy to give in to that charge of excitement, but I've found that "just go with it, don't elevate it" is a good philosophy.

I always say, "Kids are stupid. I've been saying that since I was one."

"Can we just get Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar over with, please?"

"An ambiguous and poorly phrased term such as "could care less" lacks
clarity and creates confusion as to what it is the writer is attempting
to say."

Louis is my favorite character in that movie.

Sandler Jerks Off: I - IV

Pretty sure someone tattooed a pic of Trump as Hitler on my retinas.

I love this baffling old fucker.

Wake me for the documentary.

Yep. He'll make it awesome.

Well, hey, at least they've learned to adopt art from people who are too dead to call them assholes for it.


Eh, I think it's more a case of "…the fuck d'ya mean '50 years from now?' Is that NOW!? No? Then STFU."

Good. I expect 15 uninterrupted minutes of Josh Gad sodomizing a talking candlestick.

Throw "Brigadoon" in there. Literally. Toss it the fuck in.

I know not of this "en-Hell."

Oh, we totally deserve this. We're living in the age of ego and schadenfreude we crafted. Weather sucks, and we're going to die in a few generations, but the Lays potato chip flavor challenge continues!

Hey, if the dude can eliminate Winter in the Northeast, I'll give him 1/10th of a point.