
"The idea is that the very concept of WrestleMania is what sells, but is it wrong to hope for a little semblance of the brands planning their biggest show in advance?"

Whining (amateur) and bitching (pro level) are our chief export!

This is the Internet in 2017. Best of luck with that endeavor.

"I mean, watch it, sure…but really, really this isn't for you so don't expect anyone to listen to your thoughts."

It'll be fucking lovely when the era of the weaponized troll dies. Though, now that I think of it, that ain't happening until the era of weaponized outrage dies as well.

Gotta lean into the low budget. Go smaller scale, almost experimental with the set and costume design.

Eh, I'm happy watching two apparently insufferable people (Mean Girl and Yumzux) battle it out. Perhaps they'll fuck each other to death.

Trying to figure out what your point and/or goal is, yeah. If it's to troll, just say "I'm here to troll." If it isn't, say that.

Great. How do you propose to sway them?

One tends to get back what they dish out, man.

Might be defeatist, but the death of reason doesn’t bode well for empires. Fuck, man…can't help but think that this shit ends in blood. Lots of it.

I'd add that "lock step like lemmings" ain't even close to true, considering that the election on the left was one long, protracted, circular firing squad.

That…isn’t so much what Americans do. We love ourselves an arms race, doubly so if there's a bit of dick measuring involved.

You have aphasia? None of your replies seem to relate clearly to the posts.


No one said that, true. Let's just say that I don’t trust reason to win out in modern America. We tend to learn only after we fuck up, if then.

Y'all just dumped way more chum into the water than you need. A scoop'll do.

Not particularly thrilled by the prospect of a race to the bottom.

I'd like to think that the method of disagreement could stand to improve, but that horse is out of the barn and halfway to fucking Guam. And it isn’t as if the Right side of the equation gives a shit about discussion so much as "winning" a fucking conversation.

Float an alternative.