
They'd lean harder on Pence to drag him to Jesus.

Her ideology is undoubtedly the Tomi Lahren Brand(TM).

Team sports is kind of what the base gravitates toward.

I cackled.

She's alright, and then she speaks.

That's…pretty damned apt!

Gotta be an Aryan wunderkind.

"This is not to say that we’re on Glenn Beck’s side or anything."

Forgot: Stephanie is ostensibly a heel, but she made fun of ska. Is she HEEL OR FACE!?

Would've been nice to hear them chant for ZAYN!


Let's tip our hats to the care provider network, the pricing scheme of which essentially amounts to "Meh. ::shrug::"

They need to store Taker in a bacta tank at this point.

WWE seems to think that we want 50-year-old champions and part-timers. Hence putting the title on a guy who can't work a match for more than two minutes.


Hey, I'm in.

Liberals aren't engaging in fascism, but I'd say that a portion of them are invested in asserting control (through criticism) over various aspects of culture, including conversation.

"FUCK YOU, Tony Hawk…"

Eh, I think that many conservatives could show some spine and take their damned party back, as opposed to saying "Eh, at least we're in power! ::shrug::"

As much as I outright despise the rise of useful idiots on the left, I can't say that I don't understand it. The loudest members of the GOP voter base flat-out don't care about anything approaching reason or objective fact, and the quieter ones feel that they can re-right the party but must be in power to do so.