
FILED TO: Yep, makes sense.

"tediously one note."


It's pretty much a pass/fail indicator: "Is any aspect of your life in any way akin to the Jewish Holocaust?"

I'd really like to see SJW shift in meaning. I've met actual social justice "warriors" who do a whole hell of a lot to advance their cause(s), and who know how to navigate and effectively sway people of various ideological bents.

I think that part of the issue is that we've decided that the Internet is no place for nuance. People don't want dialogue online, they want sick burns, the optics that come with laying down sick burns, and the warm n' fuzzies of feeling like they're "helping" by adding to the shit pile.

Basically a can of Budweiser.

It is a beautiful thing, and something I wish other sites would adopt.

"I still read this crap, whatever it is,
because somehow it's satisfying and I like getting upset and or feeling

"and you re using a newswire to opine at length about all your opinions to ensure that Tim Allen can't have a voice"

"This user is blocked."


"Trump fans? The ones that still, somehow, haven't abandoned him? I don't
know how to talk to them. They don't inhabit the same reality that I

Not a terribly difficult concept to grasp, man. And I'm pretty sure you actually do grasp it.

"shrill articles like this do nothing to aid public discourse"

::sigh:: Here, let's clarify: I don't give a shit if you decide to do what you decide to do, in the sense that I have absolutely no ability to change it or modify it in any way. I DO give a shit about occasionally talking about the fact that our ability to communicate has slid into the toilet, and that I don't see how

Genteel? I don't give a shit. You do you. People need to do what the fuck they're going to do and not worry about the goddamned optics and/or opinions of others RE: "doing it right/wrong." All I'd ask is that people own their shit. Punch a Nazi? Great. If/When you're caught, own it.

"Attitudes like that helped get Trump elected in the first place, and now
it’s more important than ever to call people on their shit when they
deserve it."

Don't give a shit. Give respect, you'll get it. Try piddling, manipulative shit, and I'll call it out. Not a difficult concept to grasp.

Gonna need a little more, chief.