
"It remains, quite easily, the best movie Michael Bay has ever made."

Alright. It sounds like there are some issues you're being treated for, so that's a good thing. Might be an OCD thing by the sound of it, but I'm no expert.

I can't believe this show is still on.

If you're sincere (we're here, so always have to question), I'd wonder what your specific crisis is?

I suspect that it will take off around the same time as "don't feed comments by trying to lay down sick bon mots" takes off.

BTW, this lifelong Hulk fan appreciates the name/avatar!

No problem! Hope it works out. If she's anything like my mom, all she wants is a fight. "I have no interest in a fight, so I will not fight" takes the starch out pretty quickly.

The first point takes me back a year. I told my parents that my ex and I were "getting a divorce, and they pulled the "stay together for the kids" card.

"It’s a solid point that definitely goes against his party’s current core
beliefs (“Republicans good, democracy bad”), and it kind of makes you
wonder what would happen if more people in the GOP started thinking like
Arnold Schwarzenegger."

Yeah, there's a whole lot of misdirected anger in my family. Used to affect me way more than it does now. I drew a line in the sand some years back.

Had a fist fight with my old man a few years back. Culmination of a lot of things, but his ostensible reason for swinging on me was that he disagreed with my choice of home purchase. That ended with me grappling his arm and nailing him in the chest with cowboy boots. Had a talk after, and things are cool now after I

Fuck Shane. He shouldn't be anywhere near the Mania card.

::reads headline::

"So, Goldberg is here, and he’s now the Universal Champion."

In a castle of Westphalia, belonging to the Baron of Thunder-ten-Tronckh, lived a youth, whom nature had endowed with the most gentle manners. And then the murders began.

Should have had him relocate.

Did he apologize? I specifically demanded an apology.

Fucking Shane, man…

You, friend, are one adorable caricature. Keep developing that schtick and it'll eventually be seamless.

He is a fucking cancer. That it's deliberate makes it somehow more infuriating and endearing, simultaneously.