
Said "decent," not "100% squeaky clean and pristine."

"The infamous Armond White"

Eh, MA has a decent record with R Governors. Or, at least, they don't seem to fuck up any more or less than D Governors.

And I have to stare at his fucking restaurant every goddamned day.

Also valid.

Nah, it's fine. I'm sure his ego/reputation can weather being Monday's Internet hate receptacle. There'll be a fresh outrage tomorrow.

I wanted La La Land to lose, because fuck musicals.

Still need to track that down.

"I get the feeling me being glad he won for his performance means I'm automatically an asshole in some people's eyes."

There's nothing to be gained from this. You'll get people asserting their right to bitch, which they indeed have, and it'll circle the drain from there.

I think we all know that "due process" has no place on the Internet.

Well thank God.

Meh. I'm not in the business of giving a shit about people's comparative records. More concerned with that whole "here and now" thing.



We're in the era of the monetized troll, and you can make as much money off of hating one as you can off of following one.

Ugh. Just HAD to watch that Milo clip, and now I know what the fucker sounds like.

Shane should not be on the fucking card, period.

I really hope they go with a Wyatt Family triple threat at Mania. Harper deserves the payday.

I'm all about taking the piss out of self-important Internet warriors, but…there a point beyond this?