
"Yes, he was critical of religion being employed to justify sexism and
homophobia, but he was more reluctant to attack either of those things
head on, seeming to believe that simply going after the faithful would
cover it."

Meh, fuck him. Wish we could skip the whole "15 minutes" thing and jump forward to his inevitable Dancing With the Stars appearance.

I've come to begrudgingly accept that people are going to do what people are going to do. Once their minds are made up that way, there's nothing I'm liable to do or say that will sway them.

Now now, let people try to find something interesting about themselves. Some of 'em are plumbing the bottom of a really shallow barrel.

Bayley needs to not talk. That or learn how to deliver a line. That said, fun match!

Damn it all, I want Owens to be a dominant heel again.

"Quit talking about the sex fucking in this movie about the sex fucking, please."

Good. This whole "I demand an apology" era needs to fucking die.

"The company says Fox rejected its initial ad for its imagery of a border wall blocking the family’s passage"

Problem solved. :)


Ah, good point.

Filed to: Oh, fuck off, you wounded little shits.*

Yep. Just finished with one such dipshit, who seems to have been pulled from every "RABBLERABBLERABBLE" crowd shown on SP.

Nah, I got it. It was funny because I was making actual, relevant points backed by having actually watched the show under discussion.

I was initially thinking you were disinterested. Nah, you're incapable. Fuggoff and tilt at whichever windmill is most convenient.

Yeah, you're not actually interested in having this conversation. Go clutch your pearls and find a show that will preach to your particular choir.

Pretty much every pearl-clutching critique of SP that I've ever seen comes from the people who are the targets. Saw it with conservatives, liberals, slacktivists, right on down the line.

SP has made some great statements regarding homosexuality and gay rights. That you didn't see them does not change this.

Mocking privileged liberals is not punching down. At all.