
I really don't see that. Hell, there was an episode specifically warning against it.

Correct, IMO.

The alt-right/Trumper fucks dig it because it trolls people. I highly doubt that many (or any) of them enjoy it on more than that basic level.


Eh, I see it more as a "optics-sensitive and self-aggrandizing liberals are goddamned insufferable" kind of thing.

Or, put another way, they don't give a shit about the people tripping over themselves to embody the caricatures found on SP.

It isn't a fact.

I think it's hilarious that you're basically the liberal caricature that they so enjoy taking the piss out of.

They didn't. At all. But, hey, narrative and all that.

"And you didn't have to read the comments. See how that works?"

I'm cool with this. I was similarly cool with the guys not hammering GWB on South Park, because fucking EVERYONE was.

"Um, who in life has ever gotten more liberal with age?"

"His novels are perfect confirmations of Good Old Christian American Values."

I LOVE when "cuck" is trotted out. It's so fetch.

That fucking word needs to die. Also, I want to punch the next motherfucker who misuses the term "gaslighting."

It's really, REALLY fucking good. Nails atmosphere, has great character moments, and the WTF moments are legit shocking.

Huh. K.

A few points:

Eh, sure, nominating Clinton would be great if they'd like to lose again.

Dudeā€¦DUDE. There's a TON of value to determining the wokest person in the room. The trophy is fucking huge.