
You're certainly playing the part, more-or-less ably.

Looks like we got us an edgelord! Been about five minutes, which has to be a record.

In/from Boston, and I give about as much of a shit about this movie as someone in fucking Guam.

::reads music discussion, sees what one would expect::

Right inna goddam feels.

I'd also accept "My Fuckin' Ladyfriend Protagonist."

Whoa! Bluebacca!

Not you, the OP.

An ugly cry gets me every time.

Yeah, I don't get the point.

I don't think that either is particularly significant.

"And what about the uncomfortable possibility most readers don't feel the
same as you and welcome a critical eye on a reality show star/failed
steak hawker/wannabe daughter-fucker in the White House?"

"Even here at The A.V. Club—a nice site for nice people who want
to read about fun things like movies and TV shows—even we couldn’t
escape the pervasive, toxic spread of Donald Trump."

God damn it, I want Waller in the Marvel U. She'd kick the fuck out of Maria Hill and make S.H.I.E.L.D. run PROPER.

"I know the title is mostly about the meth, but it still feels weird to be slut-shaming Monica."

Faggotry? Is that shorthand for the 107th Faggot Light Infantry or something?

Ah shit, is it Cucktoberfest already? Are we still trying to make "cuck" a thing?

Beat me to it!

Now now, no need to throw Shade.

I, too, feel that more innocuous things get called out for it, and incorrectly (IMO). I think it's a function of "Here, be mad" internet "journalism" combined with our sincere love of online bitching. Oh, and also the fact that the mewling of a handful of barely-literates on twitter somehow = news.