
Basically it's when a member or group from one culture adopts cultural aspects from another culture. The idea is that the cultural element(s) appropriated can overshadow the actual meaning/significance of said element(s).

O…kay. Not a great point, if so.

This Hulk fan disagrees, though TAH is a great little extension of the story.

Yeah man, that Darth Vader guy? Who gonna give a shit in a century amirite?

I'm with you on OML, though I'm leery of the current arc. No "team player" OML - leave him the fuck alone. Which I thought was the damn point.

Yeah, it seems that there are a few "But what does the existence of this book/creative team MEEEEEEAN, you guys?" picks on here. Which…is to be expected.

What the hell was Obama going to do to stop it? I'd argue that he didn't do much more than occasionally speak about it, in a "this exists" sense.

Needs moar Vision. Not sure why it isn't here.

Nah, that's more a function of the Internet, particularly the rise of sites like Twitter and Facebook. We found that it was easier to congregate among like-minded individuals, and supply ourselves with tunnel vision with our cause(s) du jour at the center.

As an aside, I'd say there's a difference between "normalizing" something and accepting the reality of something, but I get what you're saying.

Sure. Not sure why, or what you have to gain from it, but hey, go nuts!

Y'know, you could always…talk about TV shows. Like, right here. Just a thought.

He ruined the country! Seriously, he killed me with a drone and took my fucking guns.

They're disinterested people?

Easy problem to solve: we carve out block-wide sections of major cities and revert them to their 1892 glory! Gaslights! Seersucker suits! Social stratification!

"Ah, you're one of those types:"

Nah man, I'm legit asking. Seems that you're doing that stupid sports fan thing, and assuming that because I'm calling out one particular behavior that I needs must be part of the "other team."

I wouldn't know. Who's "you?"

It feels like a bridge season, and I'll agree that it went more than a little off the rails.

"This user is blocked."