
Also, I'd contend that you have your safe space: Breitbart. I'm sure the red-stained circle jerk there is just ever-so-different from the blue-stained circle jerk here.

I think the worst part of this whole fucking thing is that throwing the terms "safe spaces" and "snowflakes" around is all the rage nowadays.

Venture Bros. shafted again!

"Clayton Purdom, I truly and sincerely hope that you are hit by a truck or contract a rare and incurable disease."

Already happened. It was a "joke," and he instead deleted a smaller channel of his.

I'd imagine that the Internet media in less indulgent countries is busy covering, like, civil wars, massive unemployment, economic unrest, etc.

Because American Internet.

Eh, I came from a family who did pretty much that, all the time, so I can't really get into the swing of it.

Best of luck with that. I think that "be mad" journalism just got a shot in the arm. Because, y'know, it was clearly needed.

Huzzah. More ineffectual dicks trying to fight the ocean.

Finally read In Cold Blood, and…damn. Just a solid book.

I have a sudden urge to hookshot man buns. That or let some Bombchus loose upon those who wear them.

I'm in, if the fucking monster is back.

I'll watch Lucky Louie and sling paint around my house. Fuck musicals.

I'm okay with this.

Oh, that bit totally is.

So by "lamely arguing" we mean "arguing?"

Fuck that, man. Some of these are sleeper hits. You'll appreciate them later.

Fuck, man, they got Edgar Winter? BOOOOOOO.

God damn…the world is in DESPERATE NEED of RUTH!