
How does one say Schneider in Spanish?

Filed to: Jesus Fuck NO!

"I'm not getting you the X-Men. The Inhumans are JUST AS GOOD."

Yep. Again, nerds.

What's funny are the details in this case.


We haven't fucking stopped.

Because "Be Mad 'Journalism'"

"You won't BELIEVE what these assholes on reddit said!"

"According to the publication, these efforts began where they usually
do—a subreddit filled with angry white men who want to cheer on the
angry white men of the Empire without encountering what they deem a 'pro-multiculturalism' message."

SoA was the show that got me to really notice homicide numbers within a show.

There's one effective example. There are many examples of ineffective, almost yawn-worthy use of the trope.

I'd argue that rape on GoT stopped being disturbing long ago, in the sense that it barely registers anymore. It's another part of the fucking scenery.

Eh, who cares about all that? What's important is that companies (particularly those crafting entertainment) outsource their modus operandi/day-to-day business decisions to the twitter masses. American Democracy in action!

Eh, I'm sure they'll conduct a poll on twitter and arrive at the conclusion that any male cast members should be castrated before walking onto the lot. Seems to be how these sorts of things go.

I think that we could take those basic ingredients and blow conflict wide open.

It's cliche at this point. If you're going to use it, use it well.

::nose bleeds::

Did they anticipate this backlash and work a nothingburger into the challenge?

Hey now, leave Green Day alone.