
Not well. And Carlin, hopefully, would have been the type to say "Great, I don't give a fuck."

"but you have to commit"

If I try really hard!

Lemme get in on that.

"It's not a guilty pleasure, but at the same time I feel like I can't recommend the show to anyone despite my fondness for it."

I'm waiting for Rusev's year-long title run. Has to be coming. HAS to.

No opinion on the show, but this stuck out:

Yep, that.

"I doubt the rest of the world is thinking about BayWatch at the moment."

He's eager, I'll give him that.

Fuck this noise. Give me more ATHF.


You ain't wrong.

Entertainment has been our chief export for decades. Makes a perverse sort of sense that this is how it'd go.

It's funny that entertainment is often ground zero for culture wars over here. Makes me wonder whether these sorts of kerfuffles are as common anywhere else in the world.


"All this does is feed the desire to say 'I told you so' as early and often as possible."

Filed to: BWA-HA-HAaaaaaaat!?

Alright, NOW I'm fucking buying ten copies.