
Wasn't talking about you. I was talking about the people who would go to any sort of effort to be disingenuous whatsoever.

The virtue signaling is strong with this one.


"post history isn't available for them to throw up in your face"

Fuck, man…

Here's hoping. We, as a country, need to be dealt a blow that we can't use pride to overcome or escape from.

I remember liking the twist, but hating the movie. I remember thinking "Why didn't you LEAD with that!?"

Was it this one in which he's basically Judas? Or am I thinking of another shitty vampire movie (Dracula 2000?)?

Ah, okay.

Ah, understood. I appreciate the response.

Hey now, the concept of terrorism works damned well over here. Seriously, just scrawl "terrorist" across CNN and watch us put our asses in the air, en masse. That kind of brand strength HAS to be protected!

SIDEBAR: Maybe you can help me, because homeboy/girl down there doesn't seem to be of much help: there some kind of etiquette issue with having one's profile set to private?

You're correct. I sure didn't.

Totally agreed with the phenomenon, though. We're so invested in the concept of pride that we have all but eradicated the concept of shame.

Oh no, by "hoodwinked" I mean they need to be flat-out defrauded, lose homes, lose livelihoods, etc.

My Disqus is blocked? Huh! Never knew. Never knew there was an etiquette attached either.

They need to be hoodwinked. Hard. And they need to be hoodwinked in such a way that the repercussions are real, dire, and inescapably their own fucking fault.

Humor is fun. Humor is coping mechanism. Perhaps no go to sister site of humor site?

Perfect Barbie movie would be a meta commentary on how no one can play the role of Barbie.

Yep, this.